Skeet Shooting World Record Holder, Wayne Mayes, Passes

Wayne Mayes
Wayne Mayes
National Skeet Shooting Association
National Skeet Shooting Association

Warsaw, IN – -( We at National Skeet Shooting Association are very sad to report that Wayne Mayes passed away this morning due to complications from burns received in an accident three months ago.

The shooting community has been stunned and unified in their concern by news of legendary skeet shooter Wayne Mayes’s injury in an accident that caused severe burns over much of his body. He had been in critical condition in ICU and was being kept sedated for pain management.

Wayne achieved what could be regarded as the most amazing feat in skeet history: 200 perfect, 100-straight scores of .410 bore.

We respectfully ask that you allow Wayne’s wife, National Skeet Shooting Association Director Linda Mayes, to grieve privately at this time, and that you not visit, call, or text her.

Instead of contacting her directly, please send any cards or messages of condolences to her at NSSA headquarters:

Linda Mayes
5931 Roft Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78253

As per Wayne’s wishes, there will be no memorial service.

Wayne touched the lives of countless friends and fellow shooters, and we would like to share your remembrances of good times spent with him. As was often the case with Wayne, you may have had a funny experience, or you may have simply been awed and inspired by watching him shoot.

If you have a story that you’d like to share in our tribute to Wayne, please send it to Sherry Kerr,


About The National Skeet Shooting Association:
Founded in 1928 and headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, the National Skeet Shooting Association is the official governing and sanctioning organization for the sport of skeet shooting. It is a not-for-profit organization owned and operated by its almost 17,000 members. For more information on the sport or the organization, visit