Sinema Dilemma For Second Amendment Supporters

Kelly Should Be Red Flag for Arizona Voters, iStock-884179036
Sinema Dilemma For Second Amendment Supporters, iStock-884179036

Arizona/United States – -( Increasingly, Kyrsten Sinema maybe posing a serious dilemma for Second Amendment supporters. She’s not exactly a friend of the Second Amendment, given her past voting history. Since the election, she’s opposed three of the Supreme Court justices who issued the majority ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen.

However, in a post-Bruen world, she may be the best sort of enemy to have. Her opposition to nuking the filibuster saved us from seeing a packed Supreme Court and has probably saved us from seeing the courts rigged against us for generations.

Sinema even has called for putting the nuclear genie back into the bottle vis-à-vis the Senate. While that may be pie-in-the-sky thinking, when it comes down to it, she seems determined to lower the temperature and doesn’t demonize us. Small stuff, but important small stuff.

Why is that? Because despite her crappy voting record, Sinema is at the very least not willing to destroy the system to enact an extreme anti-Second Amendment agenda like gun bans or a licensing and registration scheme. Nor does she seem willing to go along with packing the courts.

Our constitutional system is a crucial bulwark in protecting our Second Amendment rights and its preservation is crucial, and Sinema has taken great risks by preserving that system. Unlike some anti-Second Amendment activists who claim to want the temperature lowered, Sinema has backed her words with actions while facing incredible political pressure, and has become a target as a result.

She’s literally put her political career on the line to preserve our system of government. For Second Amendment supporters, who seek to preserve the Constitution, this matters – and it should matter a great deal – and we do owe Sinema a debt on that front.

On the other hand, Sinema isn’t exactly our best friend, either. Reference her voting history, for one example. Her first vote the last two Congresses was for Chuck Schumer to be Senate Majority Leader, and her vote in the upcoming Congress will be the same as it was the last two times. That also has to matter.

With all the hype that Liz Cheney gets from mainstream media outlets for bucking her party and supposedly putting party first, there is very little attention given to Kyrsten Sinema for doing the same with regards to institutions that were put to prevent the rushes to injustice we saw in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand after horrific mass shootings.

Second Amendment supporters need to work hard to defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot box at the federal, state, and local levels. The question they need to answer is if Kyrsten Simena falls into that category.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison