Eden Prairie, MN –-(Ammoland.com)- Birchwood Casey has four new targets that are great for sighting in rifles, shotguns, hand guns and muzzleloaders.
Pregame Splattering Targets are available in duck and turkey versions for shotgunners and deer and coyote versions for rifles, shotguns, hand guns and muzzleloaders.
The targets feature full color images of each animal for a realistic shooting experience. Bullet holes “splatter” on impact making it easy to see your shots or pattern. Hits in a vital area react in a highly visible fluorescent red, so you know if your gun is dialed in.
The Duck and Turkey versions measure 12”x18” and come in packs of eight for $12.60. The Deer and Coyote targets measure 16.5”x24” and come in packs of three for $12.60.
Visit the Birchwood Casey website at www.birchwoodcasey.com, write to 7887 Fuller Road, Ste. 100, Eden Prairie, MN55344 or call 800-746-6862 for more information.