(Ammoland.com) – Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. has had enough of the dangerous Black Lives Matter ideology and the media who support it. Following a weekend in Milwaukee that saw Black Lives Matter extremists, along with anarchists, burn down businesses and attack innocent bystanders, Sheriff Clarke was interviewed on NRA News’ Frontlines, hosted by LtCol Oliver North. Speaking about Black Lives Matter, Clarke asserts, “It’s a dangerous, hateful, destructive ideology,” and that they are “purveyors of hate toward American police officers.”
Clarke also takes on the political correct portrayal of the extremist ideology as some type of new civil rights movement: “How did we fall this fast? From Rosa Parks to Mike Brown.” The Milwaukee County Sheriff also points out that Brown, along with Eric Garner and Freddie Gray, “are criminals who engaged in behavior that contributed to what happened to them.”
With Sheriff Clarke’s on-air takedown of CNN anchor Don Lemon (who Colion Noir recently labeled “the ultimate troll”) still fresh, the interview turns to the subject of the mainstream media. “The media knows better. This stuff has all been debunked,” says Clarke, adding, “By a two-to-one margin, more white males are killed in a police interaction than black males.”
Sheriff Clarke’s commentary comes at a time when being a law enforcement officer is exceedingly dangerous due to elitist media and politicians who put targets on the backs of America’s police, while Black Lives Matter fuels the flames of anger, chaos and destruction. Clarke isn’t backing down: “We have to win because ordered liberty is at stake.”
Watch and share Sheriff Clarke’s commentary below: