Secretaries Salazar and Vilsack Announce Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council

Secretaries Salazar and Vilsack Announce Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council

Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation
Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation

WASHINGTON, DC –-( Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today announced the creation of the Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council to promote and preserve America’s hunting heritage.

“Today sportsmen and women applaud both Secretary Salazar and Secretary Vilsack for providing us with a seat at the table through a formal advisory role on key issues of concern to hunter conservationists,” said CSF President Jeff Crane. “Revenue generated from hunting licenses, duck stamps and excise taxes on firearms, ammunition and archery equipment provides billions of dollars for habitat across the nation, and provides the principal source of funding for state wildlife agencies.”

The press conference and Charter signing was held at Theodore Roosevelt Island National Memorial in Washington, D.C, and was attended by many hunting, fishing and conservation organizations, including the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF), who look to be a part of the new Federal Advisory Council on Wildlife Conservation and Hunting Issues. Montana Governor Brian Schweitzerwas also on hand to lend his support for the new advisory council.

“Theodore Roosevelt understood the vital role that hunting plays in American life, as well as the importance of protecting lands and wildlife to sustain that tradition,” said Secretary Salazar. “The early efforts of America’s hunters and anglers to preserve our nation’s wildlife heritage fueled the modern conservation movement and left us the natural bounty we are now entrusted with protecting.”

The new federal advisory provides a forum for sports men and women to advise the Federal government on policies related to wildlife and habitat conservation endeavors that (a) benefit recreational hunting; (b) benefit wildlife resources; and (c) encourage partnership among the public, the sporting conservation community, the shooting and hunting sports industry, wildlife conservation organizations, the States, Native American tribes, and the Federal government.

“Today’s conservation challenges demand that we all step forward and embrace the important work necessary to maintain and conserve the wildlife habitat and water resources that are so important to America’s hunting and angling heritage,” said Secretary Vilsack.

The new Council replaces the previously existing Sporting Conservation Council (SCC) by expanding membership to include the archery, hunting and shooting sports industries, as well as including broader representation from the nation’s major hunting organizations. Crane served as Vice Chairman of the SCC, and CSF Board Member, Bob Model, served as Chairman of the SCC.

A podcast of today’s announcement is available at: