USA – -( As the November elections approach, USCCA President and Founder Tim Schmidt is urging supporters of the Second Amendment to stay engaged politically and show up to the polls in November, particularly as anti-gun, liberal billionaires like former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg are spending millions of dollars to mislead voters and attack candidates who support the Constitution. The Bloomberg-funded, “Everytown for Gun Safety,” announced it is spending over $15 million to defeat 15 pro-Second Amendment members of Congress.
Writing in the Washington Times recently, Schmidt warned voters about the scare tactics from anti-gun groups:
“The strategy is clear: Prey on the fear that there is a mass shooting around every corner, and nothing can be done to stop it, except eradicating all guns, forever. That’s why is of the utmost importance that those who value and want to protect the Second Amendment participate in the elections this fall to make their voices heard.”
“The good news is that despite the best efforts of Mr. Bloomberg and his billionaire friends, there are actually an increasing number of Americans who support the right to bear arms and are embracing their right to self-defense,” wrote Mr. Schmidt. “The number of Americans who have applied for concealed carry permits has now reached 18 million, a 60 percent increase since 2014.”
“Many new concealed carry permit applicants to identify as Democrats, which shows that the issue of the Second Amendment is truly bipartisan,” Schmidt continued. “The desire to protect oneself and family appeals to all Americans and cuts through party lines. We see that every day at the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, where we proudly have tens of thousands of members from both political parties.”
Mr. Schmidt’s full Washington Times op-ed can be found here.