Second Amendment Foundation Kicks Off New Year with New Television Warning

U.S.A.-( The Second Amendment Foundation is wasting no time heading into 2022, airing a 60-second message on nearly 20 cable networks “to warn America of a coming attack on Second Amendment rights,” courtesy of the Joe Biden administration.

Biden was not able to advance his anti-gun agenda in 2021, and in fact he lost important momentum when the Senate Judiciary Committee wouldn’t even let his nomination of David Chipman advance to the full Senate for a vote. But with time likely to run out at the November midterms in 11 months, the president and his Democrat allies on Capitol Hill may push hard to get things done.

As explained by SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, “The well-financed gun prohibition movement is poised to strike in an effort to make up for lost time due to Joe Biden’s failure to get the gun prohibition agenda through during his first year in office.

“We’re expecting an unprecedented assault on Second Amendment rights heading into the new year,” he continued. “Anti-gunners will grasp at straws to grab every headline they can, and make no mistake, they are determined to help Biden go after your rights in 2022.”

In that vein, watch for the gun prohibition lobby to demand stricter gun laws based on the 2021 murder counts from major U.S. cities. According to data gathered by AmmoLand News for this report, Chicago closed the year with 797 homicides, which is 25 more than logged in 2020. According to a weekend wrap-up by US News, “That is 25 more than were recorded 2020, 299 more than in 2019 and the most since 1996. And there were 3,561 shooting incidents in 2021, which is just over 300 more than were recorded in 2020 and a staggering 1,415 more shooting incidents than were recorded in the city in 2019.”

Baltimore racked up 337 slayings and 726 non-fatal shootings, according to the local CBS affiliate.

In nearby Washington, D.C., there were 227 murders, the most since 2003, according to DCist Daily, and that number was up from the 197 murdered in 2020, as reported by the local NBC affiliate.

Out in Portland, Oregon, KOIN news reported a record-shattering 90 homicides, which far surpassed the previous record of 66 set in 1987, the station reported.

Seattle was able to shave the body count down to 43 last year, which is down 9 from the 52 killings reported in 2020, but still far above the typical 19-24 average during previous years.

SAF’s ambitious launch will see its message broadcast 220 times this week, split up among these cable networks: CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, One America News Network, Destination America, Bloomberg, BBC America, Discovery Channel, American Heroes Channel, SYFY (Science Fiction), TLC (The Learning Channel), TruTV, DirecTV, The Weather Channel, HLN, Dish TV, and CNBC, according to Gottlieb. He sees trouble brewing on the horizon.

“That’s why we’re kicking off the New Year with a record number of pro-gun rights TV spots in a single week,” he added. “The threat to our Second Amendment rights cannot be over-stated. The billionaire-backed gun ban lobby is fearful of a gun rights ruling from the Supreme Court this summer, and a power flip at the mid-term elections, so they will be pushing Biden and their allies on Capitol Hill and in several states to get things done now, before they lose the political muscle to push their agenda.”

Unmentioned is the potential for an earthquake-class ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court in June in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the challenge to the restrictive carry permit process in the Empire State. It’s the first Second Amendment case the high court has taken since 2010 when SAF won a challenge to the Chicago handgun ban in McDonald v. City of Chicago. That was the ruling which incorporated the Second Amendment to the states via the 14th Amendment.

Explaining SAF’s intention to “hit the ground running” as the new year unfolds, Gottlieb said the organization is “asking viewers to text ‘Protect 2A’ a special toll-free telephone number – (888) 762-0221 – to help in this battle because once you lose your rights, you will never get them back.”

This new effort takes a slightly different approach from similar projects last year sponsored by SAF and its sister organization, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The goal is still the same, however, to alert, educate and energize gun owners for the challenges on the horizon.

Joe Biden never made a secret of his anti-gun agenda when he was running for election in 2020 and then when he was sworn in almost a year ago. Gun bans, extended waiting periods, one-gun-a-month incentives to the states and regulating semi-auto rifles as if they were machine guns. He may not have anticipated the degree of resistance to such proposals, and he will not likely make the same mistake again.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman