Schedule Your Private Firearms Training Course at Whittington U!

Whittington U
Whittington U
Whittington U
Whittington U

Raton, NM -( The scheduled courses for the 2016 training season are filling up at the Whittington U.

As we begin to kick off the training season in April with our Defensive Academy Courses, you will notice that the majority of training is on or around weekends. This helps with fitting the much necessary Firearm Instruction around our busy lives, with the weekends generally being the time we are most likely free.

This also gives opportunity to schedule private courses on the days in between.

“A Complete School”

This was a comment on an evaluation from 2015, with a student who had taken our Practical Carbine I and PLR I-II Courses. This is the goal of the Whittington U: to bring a holistic understanding of the firearm platform and how it relates to our lives. This gives us a higher understanding of the firearm tool, our various environments that we live and interact with, and most importantly, ourselves. We strive to deliver a complete educational path, from start to finish with this holistic intent.

The Whittington U is a complete school. All Level I courses are designed around the establishment of a strong Fundamental Foundation, a strong base of understanding and interaction that we will come to rely on. We do not believe in using the term “basics.” There are fundamentals and the consistent application of them. The follow on courses add the next steps in a well rounded series of interaction and situations with the firearm tool. The Defensive Academy Courses will add movement, principles of cover and scenarios; the Precision Academy Courses will add angles, alternate firing positions and targets of unknown distance.

We want to give every student the proper amount of information and practical application in the time allotted for each course. Our goal is the establishment of principles to ensure a high amount of retention of the information taught upon leaving our courses.

Private Instruction Flexibility

Private Instruction gives flexibility to schedules and vacations with friends or family. The private courses revolve around the instructional levels of our Schools of Practical Pistol, Carbine and Shotgun. For example, you can schedule a private Practical Pistol I course immediately before a scheduled Practical Pistol II, and attend both with friends or family.

We also have programs for company retreats for employees or clients.

The calendar link HERE shows open dates for the Defensive Academy and Precision Academy Courses. The Whittington U Defensive Academy has 3 separate training areas to facilitate the School of Practical Pistol, School of Practical Carbine and School of Practical Shotgun. The dates scheduled on this calendar will reflect the open dates in the individual training area.

The Precision Academy Courses have three separate ranges in the Backcountry Training Area and the calendar will reflect the open dates in these areas.

We would love to schedule a private course for you and friends this year! For more information on scheduling and pricing for Private Instruction at the Whittington U, contact us at or by calling 575-737-8695.

About the Whittington U:

Whittington U is the firearms training division of the NRA Whittington Center. At Whittington U you will receive hands-on training from experts in the fields of defensive firearm instruction and precision, long-range shooting. Defensive firearm instruction is provided by the WU Defensive Academy and long-range shooting instruction is provided by the WU Precision Long Range Academy. Courses range from beginner to advanced. Each course features live fire exercises that simulate real world conditions! The Whittington U is coordinated and staffed by Professional Marksmen Inc. Click here for their instructor bios.

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