Save time, Buy your Arizona Hunting and Fishing Licenses Online

Save time, buy your Arizona hunting and fishing licenses online
Save time, buy your Arizona hunting and fishing licenses online
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Arizona Game and Fish Department

Arizona-( With the start of the new year and the opening of the online elk/pronghorn draw, this is the time when many people buy their hunting, fishing or hunt/fish combo licenses.

If you typically buy your license with a paper form, we encourage you to buy it online instead. It’s fast and easy – no driving or waiting in line! You’ll need to print the license out yourself, but if you lose or misplace the license you’ll have access to the electronic version 24/7.

If you’re an Arizona resident who typically buys only a hunting license or only a fishing license, double your fun by upgrading to a combo hunt/fish license for just another $20! ($57 vs. $37). And remember, youth combo hunt/fish licenses are just $5.

All hunting, fishing, and hunt/fish combo licenses (except “short-term” licenses) are valid for a year from when you buy them. To buy your license online, just visit and click on the “Buy a License Online” link.

Did you know?

Arizona hunting and fishing licenses are a great value. You can get combination hunting and fishing licenses for a family of four for less than the price of one night in a motel. Great Outdoors, Great Value!