Sasquatch DNA & New Videos is BigFoot a Real Animal?

By Fred Riehl

Sasquatch DNA, New Video is BigFoot a Real Animal? BigFoot close up photo by Todd Standing
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-( We cover a lot of serious hunting and conservation topics at AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, and along with the common hunting game records and scientific studies related to conservation, we have seen an increasing number of mentions of Sasquatch or Bigfoot by reputable, well respected organizations.

Could we be on the cusp of a real scientific discovery debunking what we always assumed was the myth of a big hairy ape living right under our noses?

Some of those organization who’s interest in Bigfoot might make you step back and take a second look at the idea of a North American Ape include National Geo Graphic, Nature Magazine and Oxford University.

The prestigious Oxford University has an active study looking to identify Bigfoot DNA.

“A new university-backed project aims to investigate cryptic species such as the yeti whose existence is unproven, through genetic testing.

Researchers from Oxford University and the Lausanne Museum of Zoology are asking anyone with a collection of cryptozoological material to submit descriptions of it. The researchers will then ask for hair and other samples for genetic identification.”

A competing Bigfoot DNA study by a Dr. Melba Ketchum is privately funded in the USA and said to be in peer review and it is rumored that it will be published in Nature Magazine. Leaks from this study are pointing to DNA findings from multiple new species of ape man,  a Bigfoot another call the Dogman.

Reports from around the web that either of these studies may be producing real scientific proof of an unknown creature may be what has jump started the venerable National Geographic Magazine to step up its reporting into a Bigfoot creature also know as Swamp Ape, Grassman, Dogman, Alma, Yeti and of course Sasquatch

Knowing that the number of unknown species in the world is still surprisingly high it is not unreasonable to believe that large hominid could be living in North America.

But what would the existence of a bigfoot or “blobsquatch” (maybe he is a giant blurry creature and it is not the cameras fault) mean to fish and game units across the USA. Would they need to be managed? Could I apply for a Bigfoot Game Permit? Would they be added to Endangered Species list. Would we have wacko preservationist groups make them their newest fundraising cause celeb like wolves?

Real or not the cool thing about the idea of a bigfoot is the unknown or the mystery of something unknown in the wild woods with me.

Oh well it is fun to speculate, but if scientist do go on record saying they have the DNA of an unknown ape creature you can say you heard it hear first.

PS: What gun do you think would be best for when I get my first Sasquatch tag? Leave me a comment below.