USA – -( Ruby got bit by a Squirrel while we were Squirrel Hunting in Frogmore, Louisiana. Check the video below.
It was a bad bite but after we bandaged her up she was able to continue the hunt for the rest of the day. We love to Squirrel Hunt with a dog, one of our favorite forms of hunting.
What breed of dog works best for squirrel hunting?
Here are some of the breeds that are popular with Squirrel Hunters.
Squirrel dogs can be of many different breeds or bloodlines such as Original Mountain Cur, Mountain Cur, Treeing Cur, Kemmer Cur, Canadian Cur, Leopard Cur, Treeing Tennessee Brindles, Stephens Cur, Southern Blackmouth Cur, Blackmouth Cur, Henderson Cur, Camus Cur, Catahoula Cur, Mountain View Cur, Treeing Feist, Barger Stock Feist, Buckley Feist, DenMark Feist, Mullins’ Feist, Thornburg Feist, American Squirrel Dog, Cajun Squirrel Dog, West Siberian Laika, Rat Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Fox Terrier, German Jagdterrier, Airedale Terrier, Treeing Farm Shepherd, Norwegian Elkhound, Finnish Spitz, Walker Hound, English Hound, Bluetick Hound, Redbone Hound, Black and Tan Hound.
Each breed, strain or bloodline has its own traits and qualities. Choosing a squirrel dog is not an easy task.
Every squirrel hunter has a different idea of what the perfect squirrel dog is. For instance: When squirrel hunting some like a hard tree dog some don’t. You have squirrel dog breeders from many different states from across the country. Breeders can help you in making the right decision about the type of squirrel dog that may suit you.
About Southern Boyz Outdoors
Southern Boyz Outdoors is a group of outdoor enthusiasts from Southeast Lousiana that document their adventures to bring you their way of life in Louisiana. The “Southern Boyz” demonstrate many of the fun and enjoyable outdoor activities Southern Louisiana has to offer.