Rock Island Auction Company Vl I: May 2014 Premiere Firearms Auction Catalogs Available Now

Rock Island Auction Co Firearms Auction Catalogs
Rock Island Auction Co Firearms Auction Catalogs
Rock Island Auction Company
Rock Island Auction Company

Rock Island, IL –-( Our catalogs came in this week and they are gorgeous, if we do say so ourselves!

Immediately, our shipping team was “all hands on deck” to ensure that everyone has plenty of time to review the exciting items within these high quality and extremely detailed catalogs.

The initial orders have already been shipped, but there is still plenty of time to order a set for yourself and receive it before auction. Click this link ( ) and you’ll be taken to our catalog order webpage. if you prefer to order via phone, you may also call us at 1-800-238-8022.

Remember, each Premiere Auction Catalog is a three volume, full color, high resolution, glossy collection of every single item in the auction.

Plus, with the prices realized sent after the auction, they become an invaluable reference tool for collectors and investors alike! Order yours today.

Rock Island Auction Company has been solely owned and operated by Patrick Hogan. This company was conceived on the idea that both the sellers and buyers should be completely informed and provided a professional venue for a true auction. After working with two other auction companies, Mr. Hogan began Rock Island Auction in 1993. Rock Island Auction Company has grown to be one of the top firearms auction houses in the nation. Under Mr. Hogan’s guidance the company has experienced growth each and every year; and he is the first to say it is his staff’s hard work and determination that have yielded such results. Visit: