By Bryan Potratz
USA –-( Regarding the recent article on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News titled “Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common, & It’s NOT Weapons” .
I hope you realize that by promoting the narrative that the coincident/corresponding “data” about psychopharma you are playing directly into the hands of the Anti-Gun crowd.
Correlation does NOT equal causation. You are a victim of statistical manipulation.
Just as the percentage of gun owners who commit “gun crime” is in the low single digits, the percentage of Psycho-Pharma patients who have abbe rant behavior are in the low single digits.
The clue is ABBERANT, and that the “black box warnings” are a Liability CYA on the part of the Drug Companies.
What most RKBA people seem to fail to understand is that, by promoting the “only crazy people take these drugs” agenda is the corollary that “crazy people shouldn’t have guns” (as per USC 18, 922 (d)(4) ) FAILS TO UNDERSTAND THE ACTUAL INTENT AND REACH of the law as defined by case law, which, under Precedent and practice means:
No person may keep, carry or maintain a Firearm OR Ammunition within the immediate vicinity of a “prohibited person” in accordance with the principle of “constructive possession” as applied by Precedent under US Law.
i.e. If you support the idea/narrative that a person taking certain drugs qualifies as a “prohibited person”, then, according to the LAW, you support the idea that EVERY PERSON IN THE “prohibited person’s’ HOUSEHOLD must ALSO be denied THEIR RKBA.
- Even if they have done nothing wrong.
- Even if they otherwise do not fall under the GCA/USC 18, 922.
Promoting this “Do it to Julia” (see, George Orwell, 1984) principle of appeasement will lead to the total destruction of our RKBA through incremental “legal” means.
I had hoped better from an ostensibly “pro RKBA” organization…