Reminder that South Dakota Buffalo Are Dangerous; Do Not Approach


South Dakota Game, Fish, and ParksCUSTER STATE PARK, S.D. -( The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) wants to remind all visitors entering Custer State Park this season that buffalo are dangerous and should not be approached.

“Custer State Park has experienced an increase in visitor/buffalo interactions in recent years,” stated Lydia Austin, interpretive program manager for Custer State Park. “Visitors need to know that buffalo are dangerous and should not be approached. These large animals may appear docile, but they are wild and unpredictable. The safest place to view them is from a vehicle.”

As summer vacations get underway, Custer State Park staff would like to remind visitors to keep their distance from the buffalo herd. Last summer, the park reported a number of incidents where visitors approached buffalo, including four goring events that resulted in injury.

“Buffalo are very fickle this time of year as it is calving season and mothers can be very defensive. Visitors are also reminded to leave the baby buffalo alone. They have not been abandoned and can handle the natural elements very well. The park herd manager keeps a close eye on all of the park buffalo,” concluded Austin.