Virginia – -( As some of you may know, member VCDL Jay Minsky died this week and was buried Thursday morning. As I attended the funeral, I realized that he played a part in a historic event for Virginia Citizens Defense League and I would like to share it.
Back in 2007, then Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, decided to send undercover agents to Virginia in order to do a “sting” on some Virginia gun dealers so he could destroy them financially with a lawsuit. Using a hidden camera, the agents pretended to be straw purchasers and tried to coax the gun dealers into selling guns to them illegally.
The agents were not exactly Hollywood-quality actors. Many dealers turned them away, but some didn’t hear the subtle cues that a straw purchase was being done and sold them a gun.
Bloomberg then brought suit against them for huge amounts of money.
Watching the videos from those buys, it was apparent to Virginia Citizens Defense League leadership that the dealers did nothing wrong and couldn’t possibly have picked up on the botched “clues.” In fact, it looked to us like the purchasers had actually broken the law themselves.
Virginia Citizens Defense League circled the wagons in support of those dealers.
In order to spit in Bloomberg’s eye, Virginia Citizens Defense League gave away a handgun and a rifle, calling the event the “Bloomberg Gun Giveaway.”
The press went ape and the giveaway became national news overnight! To show we hit a bullseye, Bloomberg called us, “sick people.” (Not to let that comment go to waste, we had a cake made to celebrate the event with a picture of Bloomberg on it saying, “These are sick people.”)
Typical of Bloomberg to not understand who was actually the sick one. BTW, the General Assembly agreed that Bloomberg was the problem. The next year, with Virginia Citizens Defense League in full support, they made what Bloomberg did a felony if ever tried again!
The drawing was held at our usual meeting room at the Mason Government Center in Annandale and there were over 300 people in attendance! The fire marshal and even the County Attorney showed up. The national mainstream media flooded the room to the point where we had to ask some of our members to step outside the room due to overcrowding. (They could hear the proceedings and many stood outside the windows, which were open to make it easier to hear outside. Heck, we even had 10 or so protesters outside!
And guess who won the handgun? None other than Jay Minsky, who had fled New York City some years earlier for America and the free state of Virginia.
Jay was inundated with the press asking him questions.
One reporter asked the perfect question. “As an ex-New Yorker, what message would you like to send to Mayor Michael Bloomberg in New York City?”
Jay, a man of few words, turned to the camera and saluted the Mayor with his middle finger – the room exploded into applause and laughter!
Yeah, I’m going to miss him.
About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
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