Rare Winchester Rifles and More at RIA’s Next Firearms Auction

Winchester Model 1866 Rifle Signed by Master Engraver Conrad F. Ulrich
Winchester Model 1866 Rifle Signed by Master Engraver Conrad F. Ulrich
Rock Island Auction Company
Rock Island Auction Company

Rock Island, IL –-(Ammoland.com)- Rock Island Auction is pleased to announce the discovery of an astonishing unknown cache of ultra high conditioned and exhibition engraved rifles and carbines from the WinchesterRepeating Arms Company to be sold in our November 30th- December 2nd Premiere Firearms Auction.

The grouping includes two magnificent Winchester Model 1866 rifles which are only nine serial numbers apart. Both exhibit stunning panel scenes and are signed by Master Engraver Conrad F. Ulrich; the content of the panel scenes is, as far as we know, unique to these two rifles.

Also included in the collection is abeautiful panel scene engraved Winchester 1866 carbine which is also exhibition engraved with a relief panel scene. The center piece is a truly remarkable John Ulrich signed masterpiece Winchester Model 1894 which is exhibition engraved, gold inlaid, and features a deluxe carved pistol grip stock.

These Winchester’s are only the tip of the ice burg; some of the other stunning high conditioned Winchesters include a near mint 1866 Winchester Carbine, one of the finest Henry Rifle’s we at Rock Island Auction have ever handled, and excellent casehardened 1873’s and 1886’s.

These recently discovered Winchesters will be in great company as they will be joined by Part II of the World Renowned Gateway Collection. This collection also includes Winchesters, another outstanding offering of the Colt Single Action Army with its many rare variations including a pinch frame, factory engraved examples, 22 rim fires, rare flattop targets in both the Bisley and Single Action Model, and sheriffs models, as well as 19th century revolvers from Smith & Wesson and Remington.

Our September Premiere Firearms Auction proved that the legend of Samuel Colt and his revolvers are alive and well and this December Premiere Auction will be another important showcase of percussion revolvers from Col. Samuel Colt. Starting with Colt’s first firearm endeavor the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company we have animportant grouping of early Paterson rifles, carbines, and shotguns, headlined by the rarest of all – a deluxe birds eye maple 1839 Paterson carbine which is the only one known.

Moving to Col. Colt’s next firearms development which he did in collaboration with Captain Samuel Walker, Colts first military contract, we have a Company B No. 163 Walker formerly of the William Locke Collection. Other key pieces include a beautiful Factory cased pair of engraved 1862 Pocket revolvers, a factory cased deluxe engraved 1849 pocket revolver with relief carved ivory grips, a documented very fine Colt 1851 Navy-Navy and a documented inscribed serial number 3 Colt Model 1861 Fluted Navy. Last, but certainly notleast, is the Serial Number 1 CampPerry Revolver Factory Engraved and presented to Connecticut Governor John Trumbull.

Winchester Take Down1894
Winchester Take Down1894

As always, Rock Island Auction will be offering another stunning and important grouping of military firearms from the U.S. and abroad which will include Serial number 24 Springfield Rod Bayonet 1903 Rifle, a rare original DWM 1902 American Eagle “Cartridge Counter” Test Luger, a late World War II Nazi VG1.5 Volkssturmgewehr “Peoples Assault Rifle” and an original and excellent 1921/1928 U.S. Navy Overstamp Thompson Submachine gun.


Rock Island Auction Company has been solely owned and operated by Patrick Hogan. This company was conceived on the idea that both the sellers and buyers should be completely informed and provided a professional venue for a true auction. After working with two other auction companies, Mr. Hogan began Rock Island Auction in 1993. Rock Island Auction Company has grown to be one of the top firearms auction houses in the nation. Under Mr. Hogan’s guidance the company has experienced growth each and every year; and he is the first to say it is his staff’s hard work and determination that have yielded such results. Visit: www.rockislandauction.com