RAP4 Monday Night Paintball

Monday Night Paintball
RAP4 Monday Night Paintball
Real Action Paintball

San Jose, CA –-(Ammoland.com)- Real Action Paintball is proud to announce the launch of Monday Night Paintball, our new webcast that brings the best of paintball to your computer and mobile device!

Join our host Patrick as he explores paintball news, introduces new product developments that will revolutionize your game and our industry, and takes you to fields around California to see the latest gear in action…and get feedback on new products from real players in the field!

Monday Night Paintball is our way of helping you stay current on games, news, and other developments around our sport, and get the inside scoop on the hottest gear. For each episode, Patrick scours the country for paintball news including hot event announcements, legislation that affects our sport, product developments, giveaways, and promotions that can get you some free gear.

For our first episode, Patrick found zombie-themed scenarios around the country for you to try…and introduces Don Omar, Research and Development Director at RAP4, who presents a walkthrough on our latest development: the D-Mag!

Did you miss that episode of “Monday Night Paintball”? Check it out right here: www.rap4.com/paintball/videos/

Then subscribe to our YouTube video channel so you can view each Monday Night Paintball episode when they post! Click here to check that out: https://www.youtube.com/user/rap4com

…and be sure to log on every Monday night for the latest installment of Real Action Paintball’s exciting new web show, Monday Night Paintball! You could win free gear, see your pictures on the webcast, and even learn about paintball-related events in your area! Patrick makes it happen, and RAP4 keeps it real.

Previous episodes:

  • Monday Night Paintball 10.08.2012
  • Monday Night Paintball 09.25.2012
  • Monday Night Paintball 09.17.2012
  • Monday Night Paintball 09.10.2012
  • Monday Night Paintball 09.03.2012

Real Action Paintball – As Real as it Gets!

RAP4 is recognized as a leader in compressed air-powered marking technology, with patented innovations for military and law enforcement tools and industry-leading paintball sport equipment. Headquartered in San Jose, California, RAP4 has distributors across America and around the world. Trained staff members are available by phone or in person for consultations, and to troubleshoot or train your personnel on use of their equipment. visit www.rap4lesslethal.com