Racism Of The Modern Gun-Control Community


intolerance bigotry liberal hate speech racism race baiting
intolerance bigotry liberal hate speech racism race baiting

California – -(AmmoLand.com)- The local fairgrounds were discussing renewing gun shows or not. A friend of mine commented that over 80% of all shootings are gang and drug-related.  The response was a flat out racist comment, which we will not repeat, from the #Enough activists who want to ban guns.

To be honest, I’m not even sure where to start.  Calling someone “RACIST” has been so overdone that when you actually see racism there staring you in in fact is seem a bit unreal. A dozen or so aging hippies in their matching shirts, racists all!

But the anti-gun left doesn’t stop there.  ANYONE they disagree with must be destroyed.  I took my address off of a Friends of the NRA Facebook page after an anti-gun activist threatened to burn the building we were meeting into the ground with us in it.  At a Marriott where we were meeting a white pick up tried to run down a pair of FNRA event attendees in the parking lot while yelling F*** the NRA. Add to this the SWATings, false accusations and threats of violence (anonymous death threats are among the most common) and it all adds up.  You see an ever-escalating level of violence on the left. The fact is they’re going to get more people killed, but they just don’t seem to care.  There will come a time when they have gone too far, and the resulting pushback will be devastating.

Percentage of Shooting in Gun Free Zones
Percentage of Shooting in Gun Free Zones

The #Enough movement are Bloomberg funded activists, they’re the boots on the ground he needs to run for President.  They focus on suburban white women with a message of school shootings. The fact that 83% of ALL shooting are gang/drug related does not seem to matter. Two underage gang bangers get shot in a drug buy gone bad, and they count them as “babies killed by the NRA,” while it is, in fact, their own liberal policies that destroy inner cities.  A rapist breaks into a woman’s house, and she shoots him, they now count him as a victim of gun violence. Honesty and integrity have no place in these people’s hearts let alone vocabulary.

In order for their plan to work they need to focus on the .5% of shootings that fit their model. They need to ignore the estimated 50,000 rapes that owning guns prevent every year.  The concept of firearms for personal protection is continually discouraged. They proudly announce their goal is to end gun ownership in the U.S. They call it destroying the “gun culture.”  They’re noisy and active and the darlings of the Democrat party.

They ignore that with all the new gun laws in CA, gun deaths rose 18%.  The more laws they pass, the more people die. When your goal is political power, what’s a few more dead Mexicans?  You’ve got to get white women to vote for you! Gun control is rooted in racism, so too are the modern-day anti-gun activists.

These are the people who want to take away your rights.  Banning guns is not about reducing deaths, it is a political slogan they use to win votes from the uninformed.  They are liars, whose the only goal is power for themselves at the expense of others; at the expense of YOUR RIGHTS!

In a recent conversation, Professor Jon Lott commented that gun owners don’t seem to care about their gun rights as much as they use to. Is that true? Have you all given up? Are you resigned to give up your right to own a firearm? Have the cabals won?

I’d give you a lot of things to do, but I have to wonder if Professor Lott isn’t right.  Maybe you don’t care? Maybe you will just let them take away your guns.

So the decision is yours. Join the NRA or GAO or Guns for Jesus – if that is a thing, whatever. Pick a group and get active.  If not, then just pack up your guns and give them over now. The choice is yours.

About Don McDougall

Don McDougall
Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.