Quail Forever Making North Alabama Sweet Home

Quail Forever Making North Alabama Home Sweet Home
Sixth Quail Forever chapter in state forms in Morgan County.

Quail Forever
Quail Forever

Morgan, Ala. –-(AmmoLand.com)- Bobwhite quail enthusiasts in Alabama have formed the nation’s newest Quail Forever chapter. Named North Alabama Quail Forever, more than 20 hunters and conservationists created the Morgan County-based group to become an active force in reestablishing quail habitat in the region.

As a Quail Forever chapter, the North Alabama group will utilize Quail Forever’s local approach to wildlife habitat conservation. Unlike other national conservation organizations, Quail Forever gives local Quail Forever chapters the ability to decide how 100 percent of their fundraised dollars are spent. This local control gives chapters and members the ability to make things happen for wildlife in their communities, while belonging to a national organization that gives wildlife and conservation a voice in Washington, D.C.

Already, the chapter has taken the initiative of contacting local wildlife management authorities to inquire about assisting with quail habitat projects. The Bankhead National Forest has 11,000 acres slated for quail restoration work as part of its Quail Initiative Program, and the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge has 1,200 acres in a quail habitat restoration program.

“With adequate support from our chapter, state programs and local wildlife officials, we can set the foundation needed to reestablish quail in Alabama,” said Kevin Terry, president of North Alabama Quail Forever.

Although the North Alabama Quail Forever chapter is primarily focused on establishing quail populations, the habitat projects stand to benefit many other species of wildlife. Those who are interested in the environment are encouraged to join the chapter.

“We have an ‘all inclusive’ focus in terms of our members,” said Terry. “Several of our members do not hunt, but know and understand that improved habitat is advantageous for many species. Our chapter is common ground to join together conservationists from all walks of life.”

As it sustains quail habitat, North Alabama Quail Forever looks to sustain quail conservationists. “Regardless of the progress, it is only sustainable with future Quail Forever members. We have several active youth members and plan to engage them in our chapter projects; this is an integral part of our mission.”

North Alabama Quail Forever

  • Chapter leaders are Kelly Meeks, treasurer, from Decatur; and Jeff Selby, habitat chair, also from Decatur.
  • Chapter planning benefit clays shoot for disabled vets and physically challenged youth, as well as first annual fundraising banquet – both to be held this spring.
  • The chapter’s next meeting will be Tuesday, March 2, more info TBA.
  • For more information about North Alabama Quail Forever, upcoming events and to become a member, contact Kevin Terry at 256-303-2229 and kevin_terry@bellsouth.net.

Quail Forever is the quail division of Pheasants Forever. Alabama is home to six Quail Forever chapters. For more information on Quail Forever in the state, contact Elsa Gallagher, Quail Forever regional wildlife biologist, at 660-277-DOGS and egallagher@quailforever.org.

For additional information please visit www.QuailForever.org