Quail Forever Doubles Down in Tennessee with New Chapters

Quail Forever Doubles Down in Tennessee with New Chapters
“The Volunteer State” Now Home to Seven Volunteer Chapters of Quail Forever

Quail Forever
Quail Forever

Knoxville, Tenn. – Tennessee is home to a new pair of Quail Forever chapters. Quail enthusiasts in Knox County formed Smoky Mountain Quail Forever, while Maury County quail hunters and conservationists formed Duck River Quail Forever.

Both groups set out with the common goal of improving habitat for a Tennessee species in great need, the bobwhite quail.

As Quail Forever chapters, the Smoky Mountain and Duck River groups will utilize Quail Forever’s local approach to wildlife habitat conservation.

Unlike other national conservation organizations, Quail Forever gives local Quail Forever chapters the ability to decide how 100 percent of their fundraised dollars are spent. This local control gives chapters and members the ability to make things happen for wildlife in their communities, while belonging to a national organization that gives wildlife and conservation a voice in Washington, D.C.

“Bobwhite quail populations won’t rebound by themselves. It takes people who care about quail, care about rolling up their sleeves and doing the necessary habitat work, and care about showing younger generations there is excitement beyond a box and a plug-in,” said Tim Caughran, regional wildlife biologist for Quail Forever in Tennessee. “I’m proud to say such quail folk call Knox and Maury Counties home.”

Smoky Mountain Quail Forever
This Knox County group already calls some serious quail conservationists members, and according to the chapter’s president, Mike Cable of Knoxville, will be digging into its first wildlife habitat projects this March.

  • Chapter leaders include Joseph Justice, treasurer, from Knoxville; Jim Horton, youth/education chair, from Maryville; and Greg McDaniel, habitat chair, also from Maryville.
  • For more information or to become a member of the Smoky Mountain Quail Forever chapter, contact Mike Cable at 865-809-4588 or via email at 428scj@charter.net.

Duck River Quail Forever
Working alongside one of the most biologically diverse river systems in North America, the Duck River Quail Forever chapter is optimistic about increasing quail populations and augmenting the work of state and federal wildlife agencies.

“We would like to work with wildlife professionals in the areas surrounding Duck River to improve upland habitat for quail and other wildlife,” said Bob Tarter, treasurer of the Duck River chapter. “We are fortunate to be located in such a naturally diverse area, and we think this will bode well for quail in the years to come.”

  • For more information or to become a member of the Duck River Quail Forever chapter, contact Bob Tarter at 901-212-1453 or via email at Bob@nhecm.com.

Quail Forever is the quail division of Pheasants Forever. Tennessee is home seven Quail Forever chapters. For more information about Quail Forever in Tennessee, contact Tim Caughran at 618-467-2586 and tcaughran@quailforever.org.