Put our Right to Keep and Bear Arms back in the Kansas Constitution On November 2nd
Take Action Vote YES on 1 November 2nd!
Topeka, Kansas –-(Ammoland.com)- A 1905 court ruling from the Kansas Supreme Court took the interpretation of Section 4 of the Kansas Constitution to mean the Right to Keep and Bear Arms only exists as a collective right for those in the militia or military and “NO INDIVIDUAL RIGHT EXISTS.”
For that reason, the NRA has worked with the Kansas State Rifle Association, Senator Mike Petersen and the Legislature, to pass a Constitutional Amendment during the 2009 legislative session, which provides new language that clarifies Section 4 and GUARANTEES an individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The language reads:
“A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and state, for lawful hunting and recreational use, and for any other lawful purpose.”
Our elected officials have done law-abiding Kansans a tremendous service by passing this landmark Constitutional Amendment.
Now it is up to YOU to do your part on November 2, 2010 and vote this provision into the Kansas Constitution.
Here’s what you can do right now to put our Right to Keep and Bear arms back in the Kansas Constitution:
- Immediately place a bumper sticker on your car or truck to help encourage other gun owners and freedom-loving Kansans to support YES ON 1.
- Visit our “Yes on 1” website at www.nraila.org/YesOn1 to sign up, volunteer, and become a vocal advocate in protecting our right to Keep and bear Arms! You can also call us at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).
- Become a “Fan” or “Like” “YES ON 1 Committee” on Facebook and encourage all your friends to do the same.
- Please encourage your friends, family, fellow gun owners, and hunters to vote “YES ON 1” on Tuesday, November 2, 2010.
- Contact NRA-ILA Grassroots for more bumper strips and to find out more ways to become involved! You can also call us at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).
The Kansas State Rifle Association has one purpose. To promote and strive for the improvement and protection of the firearms and sport shooting industry and protection of second amendment principals by encouraging and stimulating well-qualified individual citizens to run for public office and to take a more active and effective part in governmental affairs. Visit: www.ksraweb.net