Put Late-Season Bucks Under Your Stand

Pro Tool Puts Late-Season Bucks Under Your Stand

J. Wayne Fears
J. Wayne Fears

Pottstown, PA –-(Ammoland.com)- In many states, January signals the end of gun-deer season. Some states may hold a late bow season. You still have time to use these deer-hunting tactics.

Narrow the Funnel:
Native Americans had very-sophisticated ways of taking deer. Often you’ll see the portrait of a Native American standing on a limb high in a tree with his longbow drawn and aimed at a deer.

Although some individuals may have practiced this type of deer hunting, most tribes created funnels, put-on man drives and then had the hunters stand at the end of the funnel. The Native Americans built parallel brush fences 3- to 4-feet high and several-hundred yards apart consisting of small bushes they cut-down, trees they felled or debris they found on the forest floor. The fences narrowed gradually, creating a funnel. The shooters waited at the narrowest point of the funnel.

Using Brush to Put Late-Season Bucks Under Your Stand
Using Brush to Put Late-Season Bucks Under Your Stand

To put-on their drives, women and children started walking down the biggest end of the funnel and using their human odor and quiet talking to push the deer in the funnel toward the hunters who had bows and arrows in-hand. For this tactic to work effectively, the drivers walked very slowly to cause the deer to get-up and start walking instead of running. Even though the deer could jump the brush that created the funnels easily, the deer usually would take the path of least resistance and walk to the end of the funnel where the hunters waited to bag them.

Having a knowledge of how the early Americans hunted and harvested deer can be the key to your taking a buck in the late season. Since we know deer usually won’t jump over brush, if they’re not pushed, but instead will walk around the brush, consider these possibilities.


  • You’re hunting a funnel area that’s 100- or 200-yards across, create a brush funnel with your Woodman’s Pal. Cut limbs and brush to make a small fence not more than 2- or 3-feet high to create a funnel. Start the funnel 30- to 80-yards above where you place your tree stand, and have the funnel neck-down to within easy bow or gun range from your stand. This way, you should have a close shot at any deer that come through the funnel.
  • The deer are feeding on a nut tree or several trails run to a green field, use your Woodman’s Pal to cut brush and block the trails that you don’t want the deer to walk-down. This brush-fence idea will funnel the deer off the other trails onto the trail you want to hunt.
  • The deer are moving-down a trail in thick cover where you can’t get a shot, cut a trail into that thick cover with your Woodman’s Pal that intersects the trail the deer are currently using. Then build a brush fence 2- to 3-feet high to block the trail the deer are using and funnel them on to the trail that leads to an open spot where you can set-up a tree stand and get a shot at the deer.

These tactics always have worked since the earliest times and will work for you today. To learn more about how to hunt deer by using the Woodman’s Pal, visit www.protoolindustries.net. Be sure to read the section on how to create next year’s deer honey hole at the end of this season.