
Public Invited To Open-House On Incidental Trapping Of Canada Lynx

Learn how a permit for lynx could affect Maine. Have a voice in the process.

Canada lynx
The Canada lynx, a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act, is a secretive forest-dwelling cat of northern latitudes and high mountains. Credit: USFWS

USFWS, Meagan Racey, 413-253-8558/413-658-4386
MDIFW, Walter Jakubas, 207-941-4471

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- MAINE – The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has applied to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a permit to authorize incidental take of Canada lynx resulting from the state-regulated trapping program.

In November, the Service released MDIFW’s draft incidental take plan, a requirement for the permit, and the Service’s draft environmental assessment for MDIFW’s application. The agencies are accepting comments on the documents through February 7, 2012.

The Canada lynx, a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act, is a secretive forest-dwelling cat of northern latitudes and high mountains. Credit: USFWS Karner blue butterfly

The agencies invite the public to attend three informal sessions to learn about the permit process, exchange information on techniques to avoid incidental trapping of lynx, and provide feedback on the draft plan and assessment.


  • December 13 at University of Maine at Presque Isle, 181 Maine Street, Presque Isle, 04769 (Grand Ballroom—Allagash and Aroostook rooms); 207-768-9502
  • December 14 at Black Bear Inn, 4 Godfrey Drive, Orono, 04473; 207-866-7120
  • December 15 at University of Southern Maine in Gorham, 37 College Avenue, Gorham, 04038 (Bailey Hall); 207-780-5961


  • 6 p.m. Doors open.
  • 6:30 p.m. Overview presentation of the permit process.
  • 6:45 p.m. Open house session begins. Experts from both agencies will staff booths on various related topics.
  • 7:30 p.m. Agencies will begin a panel discussion.

After the panel discussion, attendees are encouraged to return to booths for further discussion with agency experts. The open house should wrap up by 9 p.m.

Both the Service and MDIFW want the public to understand the documents and process. The sessions are meant to help further understanding of these issues and to encourage and enable the public to evaluate and provide written comments on the application and related documents. The agencies reviewed many alternatives to avoid incidental take of Canada lynx, but both the Service and MDIFW believe expertise among interested parties could provide important additional information and options.

Comments can also be sent to hcpmainetrapping@fws.gov or to the Service’s Maine Field Office at 17 Godfrey Drive, Suite 2, Orono, Maine 04473. Comments sent through U.S. mail should be postmarked no later than February 7, 2012, to be considered.