Presidential Baby Sitter

Art by Michael Ramirez

Presidential Baby Sitter
Presidential Baby Sitter
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

USA –-( Presidential Baby Sitter.

Republican Congressman Scott Garrett of Englewood on Saturday called vice presidential hopeful Mike Pence “the best nominee for the Republican Party to defeat Hillary Clinton” following the release of a decade-old video of Donald Trump making lewd comments about women.

“You know I'll always keep my conversations with Donald Trump and my family private. But it's absolutely false to suggest that at any point in time we considered dropping off this ticket,” Pence told CNN.

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About Michael Ramirez

Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, Michael Ramirez, combines an encyclopedic knowledge of the news with a captivating drawing style to create consistently outstanding editorial cartoons on Ammoland Shooting Sports News. Share this page and help spread our pro gun, conservative message with humor. Visit :

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