President of Turkmenistan goes tacticool on range for adoring fans (VIDEO)

Dentist-turned-dictator Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov is Turkmenistan’s president and protector but he took the time recently to show the troops how it’s done.

With the threat of ISIS-backed terror groups spilling over into the country from neighboring Afghanistan, Berdymukhamedov appeared on Turkmen TV this week showing off his skills with what looks like a .22LR MP5 variant as well as a Chinese rifle and pistol to the applause of those assembled. The determined former teeth puller then showed off his prowess in throwing AK bayonets into fedora-wearing targets before observing local commandos at work.

The 60-year-old leader– who picked up 97 percent of the vote in the past two elections without an opponent– reportedly filmed the bizarre interaction while inspecting troops at a border station on Tuesday while visiting in his pimped out Ford F-150.

Opposition groups spliced the imagery with the loadout scene from the 1985 Schwarzenegger vehicle Commando in the above video but the rest is just how it appeared on state-run media.

We think Ken Jeong should sue for likeness rights.

Besides his skills behind a rimfire, Berdymukhamedov is also something of a noted crooner, which we offer up below for your listening pleasure.

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