Minnesota – -(Ammoland.com)- Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims of yesterday’s shooting in Oregon.
In the wake of tragedies, we would always prefer that the victims and loved ones be able to mourn, heal, and console in peace, free from opportunists trying to capitalize on a tragedy.
Unfortunately, just moments after the shooting, before any facts of the incident had come to light, the anti-rights crowds were celebrating an opportunity to push their agenda.
In fact, the President of the United States said that this was indeed the time to politicize the problem.
The fact remains that none of their solutions would have prevented this incident, or any of the other incidents they have taken advantage of call for restrictions of your rights.
Blaming the tool is the easy way out.
We already know a few key facts about this tragedy:
The community college campus was a gun-free zone, where law-abiding citizens had to cower in the corner for nearly 20 minutes waiting on a good guy with a gun to arrive.
Oregon already has the sort of “universal background check” legislation in place that the anti-gunners believe would solve this problem.
Already, the politicians are proposing more gun control or “gun safety” measures that would not have impacted this incident in Oregon.
Even Rep. Norton, the new champion of gun control here in Minnesota, was on social media this morning touting the idea of a Gun Violence Restraining Order as a potential solution. Such a law would enable a judge to order your firearms seized at a hearing without you even being present to defend yourself.
We need your help TODAY to help ensure that these efforts never get off the ground:
Contact your Representatives: Drop an e-mail and phone call to your State Representative, State Senator, US Representative, and both US Senators and let them know you’re opposed to any sort of new gun control legislation. You can visit the “Who Represents Me?” page if you need names and contact information.
Like & Share our Infographic: Visit this page on Facebook and like and share our infographic showing the failed gun control proposals that are being floated about.
Share the PAC signup page with 5 friends: Tell 5 friends about the MN Gun Owners PAC and how we’re working to protect and advance the constitutional rights of law abiding gun owners here in Minnesota. Help us expand our grassroots army by sending them to https://mngopac.org/join to signup for our newsletter.
Contribute: Chip in $100, $75, $50, or even $25 or $10 to help us continue the fight to protect your rights here in Minnesota. There’s never been a more critical time to help support our efforts.
Your support and actions are essential to protecting and advancing the 2nd Amendment here in Minnesota. Thanks for your support.
Bryan Strawser
Executive Director
About Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee
The Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee (MNGOPAC) is a non-partisan single-issue political action committee that supports pro-Second Amendment lawmakers and candidates seeking state and federal office in Minnesota. MNGOPAC mobilizes Minnesotans through grassroots efforts to support pro-Second Amendment candidates while financially supporting candidates throughout the state.
Paid for by the Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee
PO Box 131718 – Saint Paul, MN – 55113
(612) 424-4032 – contact@mngopac.org