Potterfields Add Over $160,000 To MidwayUSA Foundation Shooting Team Endowment Accounts

Larry & Brenda Potterfield
Larry & Brenda Potterfield
MidwayUSA Foundation

Columbia, MO –-(Ammoland.com)- Through their matching and incentive programs, the MidwayUSA Foundation has increased the Team Endowment Accounts of their active shooting teams by $161,730.50.

Those funds come directly from Larry and Brenda Potterfield, who match every general donation to the Foundation 2:1.

A portion of this donation, $30,000, has been awarded to shooting teams that won the Constituent Challenge for the month of January.

The first place winner was the Iowa-based Fort Madison Clay Crushers. They received $15,000, while 17 other teams across the nation split the second and third place prize monies, which also totaled $15,000.

“Matching and our new and improved Constituent Challenge is helping to accomplish our goal to increase more Team Endowment Account fund balances,” said MidwayUSA Foundation’s Executive Director, Dick Leeper.

MidwayUSA Foundation’s Constituent Challenge awards those teams that see the largest overall contribution(s) into their Team Endowment Account in a given month. Both the Challenge and matching programs will continue through November 30, 2014.

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a public charity, established by Larry and Brenda Potterfield, working to sustain the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to high school, college, university, and club shooting teams.

For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc., please visit www.midwayusafoundation.org or call 1-877-375-4570.