Postal Service Spying Warrants Serious Response

Postal Service Spying Warrants Serious Response, iStock-1345137870
Postal Service Spying Warrants Serious Response, iStock-1345137870

United States – -( Reports that the United States Postal Service engaged in the surveillance of pro-Second Amendment activists are very serious, and they also warrant some serious thinking by Second Amendment supporters.

First of all, the surveillance of participants in peaceful protests is beyond the pale. There is no justification for it. That being said, one of the incidents referenced was the “peaceful armed protest” at the January 18, 2021 “Lobby Day” in Virginia.

Should pro-Second Amendment leadership control Congress, there needs to be some serious oversight hearings and some serious consequences for this surveillance, most likely through the power of the purse that Congress has. Second Amendment supporters should write their Senators and Representative to demand this happen.

This is crucial. The Postal Service will be hiking rates to try to address potential losses of $60 to $70 billion over the next ten years. It’s time for them to focus on the core mission as opposed to following political whims.

That being said, it may also be time for Second Amendment supporters to re-think “open carry” protests. While there are some media outlets that give us a fair shake at a minimum, the vast majority of them don’t, and will paint such protests in a bad light.

Some will say “there goes Harold the Fudd again,” but there are some objective conditions here. The media climate, while it’s not as bad as it was, is still generally hostile. If Jonathan Turley is right, then the media landscape will grow even more hostile in the coming years as calls for discarding balance in favor of propaganda increase.

They may not be explicitly going after Second Amendment activists now, but what do they do when screaming about Trump doesn’t work. And it will probably get worse. The fact is Second Amendment supporters must factor media coverage – potentially hostile coverage – into their plans and keep in mind that they have NO control over who shows up to cover a protest you announce.

There is also the fact that Merrick Garland’s Justice Department has already gone after parents who protested certain things taught in their local schools. We also know that the Biden administration is very hostile to our Second Amendment rights. Then there is the fact that banks could decide to financially deplatform Second Amendment supporters.

This is not to say we don’t advocate for our rights, but it is saying that there needs to be a lot of thought put into HOW we advocate for our rights in the present climate. Otherwise, it will be harder to defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot box at the federal, state, and local levels.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison