California – -( Rasmussen does a 2nd Amendment poll every couple of years; I like Rasmussen because you get access to all the questions, demographics, and data you could ever want.
Sometimes the real story is in the fine print.
Here are some of the takeaways from the March ’21 polling.
- From Rasmussen’s last survey in 2018, support for the 2A has grown. (Up 4%)
- 76% believe the 2A guarantees a right to own a gun, only 16% disagree, and 8% are unsure.
- 62% are opposed to repealing the 2A, with 27% calling for repeal and 11% unsure.
The 27% that want to repeal the 2A are mostly liberal democrats and Biden’s biggest supporters, and that makes up 40% of the democrat party.
You can find the article here.
The far left has been trying to ban guns since 1934; it’s one of FDR’s pillars that has been left unfulfilled.
The fact here is that liberals run the democrat party. While most conservative or moderate Democrats are on our side with the 2A, they are terrified of being primaried by a more liberal opponent.
So what does this poll mean for gun owners?
Rasmussen attributes the rise in the 2A in part to the anti-police riot of the last year.
- It means our views that the 2A guarantees your rights is by far the predominant view of American’s.
- It means that the Harris/Biden administration is siding with the 27% of the population that want the 2nd Amendment repealed and your guns confiscated.
With the never-ending non-stop anti 2A propaganda that is the MSM today, these numbers are astounding. It goes to show the common sense of the average American.
What can we do to keep winning this battle?
Take a new shooter out to the range. I know COVID and ammo prices hamstrung us, but it matters. The more new shooters we have, the more support we have going forward.
Reach out to your Democrat friends who have purchased a gun and involve them too. All too often, we allow ourselves to be divided. We are Americans and gun owners, do not let what party you belong to separate us. 60% of Democrats do not believe the 2A should be repealed; let us remind them they are not alone.
About Don McDougall
Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.