Please Attend the Coming Legislative Hearing On Implementing Emergency Gun Control Regulations

Maryland: Legislative Hearing in Annapolis to Review Proposed Maryland State Police Regulations to Implement SB 281.

Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association
Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association

Maryland –-(  On Monday, September 23 2013, at 1:00 p.m., the Maryland General Assembly Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive & Legislative Review (AELR) will hold a hearing to review emergency regulations proposed by the Maryland State Police (MSP) to implement the provisions of Senate Bill 281.

This hearing will take place in the joint hearing room in the Department of Legislative Services building in Annapolis.

Currently, the regulations are not available for public review, but they will be published in the Maryland Register on Friday, September 20. Members are urged to review these proposed regulations and then attend the public hearing on September 23 to voice opposition to the proposed anti-gun regulations.

While the specifics of the regulations are not yet available, information obtained by the NRA-ILA indicates that they may include a requirement to complete a live-fire exercise prior to purchase of a handgun and various other affronts to your Second Amendment rights.

Although SB 281 was signed into law by anti-gun Governor Martin O’Malley (D) months ago, the MSP are only now taking the necessary steps to implement this new law. Given that this sweeping anti-gun legislation will take effect on October 1, 2013, it is not unreasonable to expect that the MSP will be unable to process the applications required for the new Handgun Qualification License (which will be now be required to take possession of a handgun) or be able to implement other aspects of SB 281 relating to the purchase and transfer of firearms in Maryland, greatly inhibiting your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Information on how to sign up for public testimony at the hearing on September 23 will be available here within the next few days. Please keep in mind testimony at this hearing will be strictly limited to the content of the regulations themselves, not SB 281 itself.

If you are able, please attend a gathering of Second Amendment supporters at 11:00 a.m. on Lawyers’ Mall in Annapolis before this public hearing. Pro-gun state legislators and activists will provide updates and information at this event on the continuing fight for your rights in Maryland.

The Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association (MSRPA) is the flagship Gun Rights organization in and for the State of Maryland. The Association offers both individual and club memberships. Support of the shooting disciplines and legislative activities is primarily through a systems of committees. All participants are volunteers.
In the face of a near tidal wave of citizen disarmament occurring in Maryland, the MSRPA has played a critical part in drawing the line and standing firm for Gun Rights. Without this resistance, things would have been much worse and been so much sooner. Now the objective is to continue to develop new activists with numerous individual skills who will help us bring Maryland into line with the rest of the states which have made strong gains in protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Visit: