Piketown PhD Turkey Tom

By John E. Phillips

PhD Gobblers
PhD Gobblers : http://tiny.cc/zyzw9x
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

United States -(AmmoLand.com)- I lived in Piketown, Pennsylvania, and on this hunt, I was hunting with my dad. Although I grew up hunting with my dad, we had two very-different types of hunting.

When my dad picked a turkey and decided to call with him, he might stay with that turkey until lunchtime.

Even if the turkey quit gobbling, Dad wouldn’t leave that bird but I was a run-and-gun type of turkey hunter. If I couldn’t get the turkey to come to me quickly, and the bird quit gobbling, I’d leave that bird and go hunt for a turkey that was more eager to respond to calling.

Dad had taken a day off from work so that he and I could hunt together, which of course would rate as my favorite hunt of the year.

Piketown PhD Tom
Piketown PhD Tom

After we’d hunted all morning long and were walking out of the woods, I told my dad, “Let me make one more stop here, and throw my calls out in this one area.”

We’d had a real bad morning and just hadn’t heard very many turkeys gobble.

When I started cutting, immediately a turkey fired back with a loud gobble. Twenty minutes later we’d taken that 25-pound tom with an 11-inch beard and 1-1/ 4-inch spurs, a huge turkey for our section of the country. We had to quit hunting at noon but didn’t strike this gobbler until 11: 30 a.m. Once we actually reached the turkey, I looked at my watch, which reported 11: 50 a.m., just 10 minutes before quitting time. In the past, if I’d been out hunting and hadn’t heard any turkeys gobble all morning long, I would’ve just kept going to the house and not stopped and tried one more series of calls. I’d have given up.

Piketown PhD Tom
Piketown PhD Tom

The Piketown PhD Tom taught me to:

  • stay after the turkeys until the last minute that I could legally hunt.
  • never give up on a turkey.
  • remember that often I only needed a few minutes to go from a zero to a hero: The day I hunted with my dad would have been a zero for both of us, but because I made those last few calls in the last few minutes that we could legally hunt, we had a great day of turkey hunting and a day both of us never would forget. The tides of battle in a turkey hunt could change quickly. If you didn’t retreat and leave the field but continued to stay in the game, you might win in those last few minutes.
  • be willing to wait on a turkey to show up, if a turkey was really responsive and gobbling good in the middle of the day. That tom might fly a river, cross a creek or come running.
Piketown PhD Tom
Piketown PhD Tom

To learn more about PhD Gobblers: How to Hunt the Smartest Turkeys in the World, click here http://tiny.cc/zyzw9x.

About the Author:

For the past 40+ years, John E. Phillips of Vestavia, Alabama, has been a fulltime outdoor writer, traveling the world interviewing hunters, guides, outfitters and other outdoorsmen about how they hunt and fish. An award-winning author, John has been hunting and fishing since his kindergarten days.