Photos of Canadian kid with gun gets mixed reactions (VIDEO)

Cindy O’Hara didn’t think anything of it when she recently posted photos on Facebook of her 2-year-old child holding a gun, but the photos have received mixed reactions.

O’Hara said her older kids were shooting at gophers while at their property in Alberta when little Jaxson decided he wanted a gun too. So O’Hara said they gave the toddler a broken BB gun.

“He was having a blast,” O’Hara said. “He didn’t really think anything of it, except the pew noises.”

But others had plenty to think, with some saying 2-years-old is too young for such activities, while others said it’s the perfect age to start teaching gun safety. O’Hara said, all in all, she received more positive than negative attention from the photos.

Global News ]

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