Pheasants the Focus in NEBRASKAland Magazine
LINCOLN, Neb. – The January-February issue of NEBRASKAland Magazine looks at how improving a Nebraska Game and Parks Commission program helped increase pheasant numbers.
In “Focus on Pheasants: Program Proves Benefits of Habitat Upgrades,” Regional Editor Eric Fowler tells how the Focus on Pheasants initiative, since its inception in 2002, has helped improve pheasant habitat and restore bird numbers.
The issue also includes articles about a Pine Ridge artist, a family ice-fishing outing at Crescent Lake, a profile on the chorus frog, a photo essay on Birdwood Creek, how military members stationed in Nebraska take advantage of outdoor opportunities, and a story of two deer found locked by the horns.
NEBRASKAland is published 10 times a year and is available at Nebraska Game and Parks Commission offices and newsstands across the state or by subscription. Subscribe by calling toll-free (800) NEB-LAND (632-5263) or at