Washington, DC — -(AmmoLand.com)- A new report published today in fashion magazine Women’s Wear Daily alleges PETA and other animal activists have been propagating a staged video of sickening animal abuse to support their anti-fur lobbying campaigns.
The video, filmed a decade ago and published online by PETA, shows the gruesome killing of an animal in a Chinese fur market—supposedly a standard practice. The men filmed in the video, however, now say that it was staged and they were offered money to do it, according to the report.
Read the report here:
The video has been a focal point of campaigns of PETA and other animal activists as they have lobbied to ban fur in Los Angeles and San Francisco, with California lawmakers having a hearing next week on a statewide fur ban.
The video now appears to be a lie—and it isn’t the first time PETA’s ethics have been called into question.
In 2017, PETA was caught producing a fake video of a cat being abused in order to try to get “viral” coverage. PETA reps tried convincing the website Mashable.com to deceptively publish the video knowing it was fake.
Last year, PetSmart sued a PETA operative for fraud over undercover videos she produced. The pet supply company claims the PETA operative refused to give veterinary care to animals in need.
PETA has also supported extremist criminals. PETA paid $70,000 to the legal defense of arsonist Rodney Coronado, who burned down a university lab. PETA also gave a grant to the Earth Liberation Front, an FBI-designated domestic terrorist group.
“Using animal torture to support lobbying campaigns is a new low, even for PETA,” stated Will Coggin, managing director of the Center for Consumer Freedom. “PETA will stoop to any level to push its agenda to ban fur, wool, leather, cashmere, meat, dairy, eggs, and other everyday products.”
The Center for Consumer Freedom runs www.PETAKillsAnimals.com, which documents PETA’s killing of cats and dogs by the thousands at its headquarters—figures that come from PETA’s own filings with the government.