PETA’s ‘Air Angels’ and ‘Aquatic Angels’ Drones to Record all the [sic]”Cruel & Illegal Activities”.
Norfolk, Va –-( From the offical PETA press release:
“Hunters and anglers who are planning to participate in National Hunting and Fishing Day on September 27 had best beware: PETA could be watching. ”
“Following the successful launch of its Air Angels hobby drones—which allow kind “hunter watcher hobbyists” to capture and share video footage of illegal or cruel hunting practices—PETA is introducing a new “angler watcher” drone using submersible technology. The group is currently recruiting members and supporters to field-test the new drones in all bodies of water—so all anglers who cast a line of cruelty on Fish Amnesty Day, also marked on September 27, should consider themselves forewarned.”
PETA goes on to say;
“We plan to try out our new submersible drones in lakes, rivers, and oceans to ensure that anglers are following all the local laws,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “The drones will also help document the cruelty inherent in fishing—showing how fish suffer when they’re hooked and thrown back into the water injured and how other unsuspecting wildlife are ensnared by lines, nets, lures, and other equipment that gets lost or stuck under the water.”
“PETA, whose motto states, in part, that “animals are not ours to use for entertainment,” won’t be releasing the exact locations where the air and water drones will be operating so that all who participate in the “sport” of hunting and killing animals will be lawful and compassionate, knowing that PETA might be filming their actions.”
So Hunters and Fishermen, you have been warned. You will now have to skip all the “Cruel & Illegal Activities” we all would normally enjoy during National Hunting and Fishing Day, Visit:
I wonder what our friend “Johnny Dronehunter”over at SilencerCo would have to say about this?