Larger groups no longer need to fill out or post rosters.
Harrisburg, PA -( Groups of five or more people hunting from a permanent camp traditionally have needed to fill out and post a participant roster during big-game seasons.
No more.
The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners today voted unanimously to remove the requirement for such groups, which previously needed to fill out paper rosters in duplicate and post one copy at the camp for at least 30 days following the close of any deer, bear or elk season.
Hunting parties for deer, bear and elk would remain unchanged at a maximum of 25 hunters.
About the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC)
The Pennsylvania Game Commission is legally mandated to manage wildlife for the benefit of all Pennsylvanians, as well as all wildlife and the habitat that supports their existence. Pennsylvania’s Constitution and Game and Wildlife Code direct the Game Commission to protect, manage, and preserve wildlife and their habitat within the Commonwealth for the benefit of all people, including generations yet to come. Based on this direction, the Game Commission adopted the mission statement “to manage all wild birds, wild mammals, and their habitats for current and future generations.”