Pelosi Exploits Scalise Welcome in Congress to Push Citizen Disarmament
By David Codrea
USA – – ( “Hunters need armor piercing bullets? They need silencers?” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked Thursday at a news conference following a “surprise return to the Capitol” by House Majority Whip Steve Scalise. “They need conceal and carry to hunt?”
Pelosi was exploiting an occasion she’d described as “joyous” earlier in the day to do some public blood dancing and attack Republican initiatives to lessen restrictions on the government’s interpretation of “shall not be infringed.” Specifically, she was putting out the scare against the national Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38) and the Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act (H.R.3668 – SHARE Act), and particularly its provision for removing suppressors from National Firearms Act requirements.
As for “armor-piercing bullets”, that’s just sour grapes talking points over the Obama administration’s failure to ban ammunition used in popular rifles. Such ammunition, by the way, does not even meet the legal definition of “armor piercing.” The fact is popular rifles fire ammunition that penetrates body armor rated for handguns.
Pelosi is just grabbing the spotlight, and counting on anyone ignorant enough to vote for her to know so little about the subject that they believe any lie the cheerleader media amplifies. It’s an old trick.
Younger readers may not remember New Jersey Assemblything Patricia Edington, who at a .50 BMG gun-grab pep rally with New York Congressthing Carolyn “Shoulder thing that goes up” McCarthy stood up with a straight face and actually claimed:
“Some of these bullets as you saw have an incendiary device on the tip of it, which is a heat-seeking device. So you don’t shoot deer with a bullet that size. If you do, you could cook it at the same time.”
The Second Amendment, of course, is not about hunting. What it’s about is the right and duty of Americans to keep and bear “in common use at the time” weapons needed to defeat armed threats to community, state and country.
Pelosi understands that, of course, as her spokesflack made clear.
“This is not a sportsmen’s package,” he declared as a way of avoiding an invitation by SHARE Act sponsor Jeff Duncan to witness suppressors in action firsthand at a firing range. “This is an NRA wish list.”
It’s more than that. It’s a birthright gun owners intend to claim, to hold on to, and to expand in recognition, scope and application. The gun-grabbers have been making incremental erosions for too long, with an end game many don’t even try to conceal.
Here’s another document younger readers (and many older ones) may not be familiar with, one written years ago by a longtime friend of mine who went to Washington and hand-delivered a copy to every member of Congress at the time. I invite you to read, bookmark and share the Memorandum on Arms and Freedom, a brilliant treatise that centers on four words the oath-breakers had better take seriously:
We will not disarm.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.