Biloxi, Mississippi (Ammoland) “Dictators and terrorists will find the information in this book terrifying. If Americans are willing to read this book, and apply the wealth of history and strategic information on the responsibilities of living as “freeman”, or “free-woman”, this book will immediately put the author’s name on the death list of every predator and dictator, who would prefer you, and your local community, remain in the dark as to your rights and responsibilities as an American citizen under the US CONSTITUTION—If you want a signed copy, you better hurry and get another copy right now!” – Cork Graham author of THE BAMBOO CHEST: AN ADVENTURE IN HEALING THE TRAUMA OF WAR
In today’s world it is easy to feel frustrated and isolated. “Am I the only one who cares about my community and my nation?” you may have asked yourself. Along with that frustration comes the desire to ‘do something’, but what can you do?
Whether the crisis is natural or manmade, no one should have to face it by themselves. No Patriot should have to stand alone. Everyone needs encouragement, support, and affirmation from time to time.
“Heads Up, Paul Markel delivers a clear and precise message to those who wish to become dialed in about their future. Patriot Fire Team is a good read and well worth serious thought.” -Ken Hackathorn, Internationally Recognized Firearms Instructor and Lecturer
By using the structure of the Patriot Fire Team, you can establish a small, but strong support group of like-minded individuals who care deeply about protecting their families, communities, and their nation.
“Patriot Fire Team; Preserving the Republic Four Men at a Time” is available for immediate purchase in eBook format with a paperback version to follow. “The eBook format allows us to deliver this vital information to the public in the most efficient and timely fashion possible.” said Jarrad Markel, producer and editor of the PFT website.
“I’ve known Paul for many years, and I’ve known him always to get to the point quickly. In this book, Paul reveals much valuable information that we all need to know. He is concise, organized, dignified, and honest. I recommend you read it!” -John S Farnam, Founder of Defense Training International and Officer of Marines
Patriot Fire Team in a complete resource for the concerned United States citizen. The text in filled with historical references and considerations. There is practical information that can be put to immediate use in the strengthening and securing of your family, community and country. This text provides suggestions for both the hardware and software necessary to not simply survive adversity but to triumph over it. Most importantly it offers the encouragement and support so desperately needed in today’s world.
Order your copy of Patriot Fire Team: Preserving the Republic Four Men at a Time right now and have in delivered to your inbox today. Click Here to Order
“Patriot Fire Team is a modern guide to real world survival in today’s chaotic world! Markel offers intriguing insight into not just surviving but thriving during times of social upheaval or natural disaster. Patriot Fire Team provides a plan for certainty during uncertain times. Markel’s book, Patriot Fire Team, provides a concise outline for surviving enemies foreign and domestic as well as natural disasters.” -Mike Detty, Author of Guns Across the Border: How and Why the U.S. Government Smuggled Guns into Mexico: The Inside Story