Editors Note: As part of promoting America’s small manufacturing businesses, AmmoLand’s ‘Made in the USA Series’will be featuring small, one owner shops, with unique products related to Firearms and Shooting Sports. To be featured send us a description of your product and an image to news@ammoland.com. Support these mom & pop entrepreneurs.
Myrtle Beach, SC –-(Ammoland.com)- Studies are now showing that the percentage of women who report household gun ownership is 43% as of October 2011.
I can personally attest to purchasing a gun this past December, 2012 so I can only assume that number will go much higher.
I have a question for you Is it possible to take a deadly object and turn it into something beautiful?
The answer: yes, it definitely is! Many of my friends, family members and neighbors have been buying guns lately so it seems that this topic is on a lot of people’s minds.
I must admit, in recent weeks I have been consumed with this topic as well.
The problem with this is my job involves discussing and creating items that make women feel feminine and pretty, somehow these two topics weren’t meshing well and my creativity was waning.
The other weekend involved going out to some friends land and learning how to shoot guns. I watched as round after round of spent ammo came flying out onto the ground.
The gold and silver colors were rather pretty all laying around together, that is when Outlaw Glam was born!
Gun ownership in the U.S. is becoming increasingly more common among women, this is a great opportunity to showcase my Outlaw Glam line on your site and show us feminine gun owners the prettier side of a deadly object!
The whole concept of my line is based on taking something that represents danger and turning it into something glitzy and fabulous. It’s also about looking at objects in a whole different context than what they were originally intended for.
I am attaching photos of some of my recent pieces, I have many others I can send if you so decide.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Tonya Boezi Outlaw GlamRemmember guys Valentines Day is just around the bend. You can find more of Tonya’s Outlaw Glam on her Esty page found here: https://tiny.cc/hj54rw