U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “A bill that will allow Indiana gun owners to carry without a permit is dead in committee but could be revived in another bill,” NBC affiliate WTHR 13 Indianapolis reports. “Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee amended and passed the bill unanimously Wednesday following an eight-hour meeting that ended with three GOP senators joining committee Democrats in approving an amendment that a Republican supporter said ‘guts the bill completely.’”
That’s not an understatement. Further down in the report we learn:
“The revision adopted by the Senate committee would keep the current permit requirement in place, while creating an automatic six-month provisional permit so that those who have submitted applications don’t have to wait perhaps weeks for granting of the final permit.”
So much for “Constitutional Carry.” Who the three turncoat Republicans are is not stated. Fortunately, The 2A Project posted a link to the hearing on Facebook and observed:
“Note the open hostility of the committee chair, Sen. Liz Brown (Ft. Wayne), toward anyone who supported Constitutional Carry at the hearing, including both members of the public and members of her own committee. The very end of the hearing is the most critical, when three “Republican” committee members, Sen. Mike Bohacek (Michigan City), Sen. Susan Glick (Angola) and (of course) Sen. Brown sided with Democrats to gut Constitutional Carry out of the bill completely. Voters need to remember the actions of these three senators.”
With “Republicans like these, who needs Democrats? It helps to remember that former Brady Campaign president Paul Helmke had previously been the “Republican” mayor of Fort Wayne and Sarah and Jim Brady themselves were lifelong GOPers, so the “R” after the name on a ballot is no guarantee (although a “D” always is).
An earlier WTHR report tells us where the three might-as-well-be-Democrats in GOP clothing got “law and order” cover from, another ostensible “Republican,” State Police Superintendent Doug Carter, along with fellow politically-appointed enforcers from the Evansville and Fort Wayne police departments, and “leaders of the state Fraternal Order of Police.” They say permits let them identify “dangerous people who shouldn’t have guns.”
That, of course, is a flat-out lie, as carry permits have nothing to do with gun purchases, dangerous people have no problem getting guns, and little things like prior restraint state permission slips never keep them from doing whatever they want. For indisputable proof of that, just read an area headline.
“It’s often so easy to talk about your support for public safety,” Carter claims. “But if you choose to support this bill, you will not be supporting us.”
That’s the job of the representatives of the people? To support enforcers in the suppression of rights?
“I sure hope you choose to show deference to law enforcement professionals who understand the magnitude and the frontline effects of this legislation, rather than the possibility of getting reelected or unelected the next primary,” Carter continued, further spreading the hilariously disprovable lie that police are the “Only Ones” professional enough to be trusted with guns.
DEA Agent Lee Paige demonstrates:
Shall we see what the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board considers qualification for its “professionals” to deploy with a handgun?
- Stage 1 – 3 yard line – 10 rounds in 2 magazines of 5 rounds. Two-handed, Strong handed firing.
- Stage 2 – 5 yard line – 10 rounds in 2 magazines of 5 rounds. One-handed only firing.
- Stage 3 – 7 yard line – 10 rounds in 2 magazines of 5 rounds. Two-handed, Strong handed firing.
- Stage 4 – 15 yard line – 10 rounds in 2 magazines of 5 rounds.
- Stage 5 – 25 yard line – 10 rounds in 2 magazines of 5 rounds. Two-handed, Strong handed firing.
So, fire 50 rounds. And get an “80,” that is, a low-“B” to pass. Do it three times. I suppose if you wanted to look deeper you could find out how many make-up attempts they get if they fail, and specified time intervals in between tests.
Is every “amateur” here feeling the awe?
On top of that, police are on average less “law-abiding” and more prone to suicide than non-“Only Ones,” who, per data from a Texas study, “ are 15 times less likely to commit a homicide than the general public.”
Back to the bill, per WTHR, it’s not quite dead yet, but it sure looks like arcane rules and maneuverings are getting ready to drive in the final nail:
“Lawmakers may insert language from the bill into a different one. The Senate’s third reading deadline is Tuesday, the House’s deadline is Monday. Bills that are not approved by those dates will die on the floor.”
And next year, self-serving “Only Ones,” whose careers are vested in enforcing prohibitive laws instead of unalienable rights, and disingenuous GOP poltroons who pay lip service to the Second Amendment and then stab constituents in the back, will find more ways to derail the right of the people to keep and bear arms if it looks like there’s a chance it might finally be recognized.
Remember: Back the blue (as much as they back you)!
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.