Once Again “Radical” Environmental Groups Push Anti-Hunter Candidates on AK Fish & Game Advisory Committees
This time Mat Valley is their target.
Mat Valley, AK –-(AmmoLand.com)- The Mat Valley Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold its election meeting January 13th at the Wasilla High School, main theatre, which is located at 701 E Bogard Rd, at 7 pm. Any South Central resident 18 or older can vote.
Also on the agenda will be preparation of comments for Board of Game proposals. For more information, contact Tony Russ at 376-6474.
If you’d like to see the proposals that are under consideration by the board’s, please visit the web page at: https://www.boards.adfg.state.ak.us/
Advisory committees are local groups that meet to discuss fishing and hunting issues and to provide recommendations to Alaska Board of Fisheries and Alaska Board of Game. Advisory Committees are intended to provide a local forum on fish and wildlife issues.
Their purpose includes:
- developing regulatory proposals,
- evaluating regulatory proposals and making recommendations to the appropriate board,
- providing a local forum for fish and wildlife conservation and use, including matters relating to habitat,
- advising the appropriate regional council on resources,
- consulting with individuals, organizations, and agencies.
Environmental groups have mobilized to insert their preferred candidate’s in order to use the board to promote their agenda, including predator control and supporting the listing of cook inlet Beluga’s as endangered. In light of the recent Anchorage F&G advisory committee vote, these groups are expected to double their previous efforts.
Those who would be supporting Alaskans right to access and manage their own resources. Members of MatSu2ATF as well as other conservative conservation groups will be providing information on candidates that are in need of the public votes. We need you there to vote for these candidates.
Time & Location
Wednesday, January 13th at 7 pm. Wasilla High School, main theatre 701 E Bogard Rd. A crowd is expected so arrive early to ensure a seat.
The mission of The Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force is to provide Alaskans with the knowledge of the meaning and true purpose of the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution, with which they may conduct themselves as responsible citizens of our republic. Visit: www.anchorage2atf.com