Oklahoma Supressor Bill Passes A Critical Hurdle

Oklahoma Flag
Oklahoma Flag

Oklahoma –-(Ammoland.com)- American Suppressor Association lobbyist Todd Rathner was in Oklahoma today working on SB1743, The Landowner’s Hunting Freedom Act, sponsored By Senator Steve Russell, which would legalize the use of suppressors for hunting on private land in Oklahoma.

The same measure failed in committee last week for lack of a second.

After working closely with NRA Manager of Hunting Policy, Darren LaSorte, Todd reports that SB1743 passed out of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee 10 – 1 with the lone dissenting vote being Senator Charles Wyrick.

This is a great turn of events for suppressor owners and gun owners in general, however it’s far from over SB1743 must still pass the full senate, then the Oklahoma house, and be signed by Governor Fallin.

It is critical to do two things right now, first call or email the senators who voted yes in committee today and THANK them! Then call your senator and ask him or her to vote YES on SB1743, and vote YES to “restore the title” of SB1743, when the bill comes to the senate floor in the coming days.

If you live in Oklahoma or you travel there for business or pleasure, please email and call these senators today to say THANK YOU for voting YES on SB1743:

  • Senator Eddie Fields (R-10), Chairman (405) 521- 5581 efields@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Ron Justice (R-23), Vice Chairman (405) 521- 5537 justice@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Mark Allen (R-4) (405) 521-5576 allen@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Patrick Anderson (R-19) (405) 521-5630 anderson@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Don Barrington (R-31) (405) 521-5563 barrington@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Randy Bass (D-32) (405) 521-5567 bass@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Jerry Ellis (D-5) (405) 521-5614 ellis@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Ivester (D-26) (405) 521-5545 ivester@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Frank Simpson (R-14)| (405) 521-5607 simpson@oksenate.gov
  • Senator Anthony Sykes (R-24) (405) 521-5569 lewis@oksenate.gov

About American Suppressor Association

The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is a new non-profit, trade association whose mission is to further the pursuit of education, public relations, legislation, and hunting, law enforcement, and military applications for the silencer industry. Visit: www.americansilencerassociation.com

American Suppressor Association