UPDATE: The Justices are hearing us. Keep it up. ***
Ohio – -(AmmoLand.com)- Dear AmmoLand,
In a shocking move, the Ohio Supreme Court has proposed amendments to the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio that will empower law enforcement to seize guns.
Many of these changes usurp the role of elected lawmakers and represent the most significant changes to Ohio law of our time.
The rule changes have been posted for public comment. We MUST convince the Justices to STOP this process NOW or there may be little hope to reverse the changes later on.
Deadline for public comment is Oct. 12.
Over the last 33 hours, we’ve asked that you contact the Ohio Supreme Court to voice your concerns about rule changes that will affect our Second Amendment rights.
Sources tell us the response to our call for action has been overwhelming. It’s possible that we’ve crashed their servers with the number of emails we have generated on this matter.
The good news is the Justices are hearing us. But we need to continue our effort to change their mind on this urgent issue.
If you have not contacted the court, you have 3 more days. If you have contacted the court, please do it again, perhaps with a phone call or written letter.
Click here to read the summary of what’s going on and why we need to continue working together to STOP these rule changes NOW.
The write-up includes complete information on what the court is proposing, our analysis, and instructions for contacting the court with your polite but firm request to NOT make these changes.
About Buckeye Firearms Association:
Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots political action committee dedicated to defending and advancing the right of Ohio citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities. Visit: www.buckeyefirearms.org