USA -( Make your voice heard!
State Senator Lou Terhar has introduced SB81 which serves to do the following:
- Waives the payment of the license fee that is otherwise required to obtain a concealed handgun license for applicants who are active or reserve members of the armed forces of the United States, or who have retired from or were honorably discharged from such military service.
- Caps the waiver of license fees described in the preceding dot point at $1,500,000 each calendar year.
- Permits an applicant for a concealed handgun license who has retired from or has been honorably discharged from military service to submit evidence of the applicant’s military service as proof of competency regardless of the date that the applicant retired or was honorably discharged.
- Permits a licensee who wishes to renew a concealed handgun license to do so at any time before the expiration date of the license.
This bill has been referred to the Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee and received just the first (sponsor) hearing. The Chair of the Judiciary Committee is Senator Bacon – please call his office at 614-466-8064 and politely request that they schedule the second (proponent) hearing for this important bill.
Each phone call is a drop of water eroding away the rock of inaction; with enough pro-gun Ohioans we can carve out a canyon of progress for our firearms freedoms!
Please contact your state senator and ask them to become a co-sponsor to SB81. You can find your state senator by going to this link and entering your 9-digit zip code here.
Absolutely the last call for the annual OFCC Fun & Gun on Saturday May 13th in Rochester, OH! Odds are good for some beautiful Ohio weather on that day.
For details and registration information, click here.
If you think that we should be defending our gun rights at the state level please help OFCC by donating to the cause, click here.
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