Ohio is Closer to Passing Constitutional Carry Than Ever!

Ohio-Gun-Control-iStock-884221290 Allexxandar
Last month, on November 17, the Ohio House passed House Bill 227, which was then introduced into the Senate. IMG iStock-884221290

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- On Wednesday, December 15, 2021, the Ohio Senate brought Senate Bill 215 to the floor and passed it with a vote of 23 to 8. The bill now moves to the House.

Last month, on November 17, the Ohio House passed House Bill 227, which was then introduced into the Senate.

That means we have two bills, one in each chamber, that are halfway to the goal line. More importantly, we have successfully put Representatives and Senators on the record supporting and voting in favor of Constitutional Carry. So as we come to the close of the year, we are closer to putting a bill onto the Governor’s desk than at any time in history. And we hope to make this a reality before the primary election next year.

We sat down with leaders in the House and Senate late last year and made it known that Constitutional Carry would be our #1 legislative priority in 2021 and 2022. And we’ve been working on moving these bills every day since then, talking to legislators, lining up votes, answering questions, addressing concerns, providing information from other states, giving testimony, speaking to the media, and more.

In this week’s Keep and Bear Radio podcast, I talk with our Legislative Affairs Director about these bills and more than a dozen others, and we answer questions from our listeners and provide an inside look at how effective lobbying is done.

Buckeye Firearms Association

Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more. www.buckeyefirearms.org

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