By David Codrea
USA – -( At this writing, all that’s known for sure is that at least five police officers have been killed and others have been wounded in a sniper attack at a Dallas rally protesting the recent killings of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana. Reports claim there were at least two killers, that an accomplice(s) is in custody, and that others are being sought. Other reports say one of the killers claimed he wanted to kill white people.
So naturally, never one to be late to a blood dance, Barack Obama signaled the administration’s intent to exploit the killings as an opportunity to keep pushing for citizen disarmament at a time when Republican resolve (an oxymoron in itself much of the time) appears to be wavering.
“We still don’t know all the facts,” Obama admitted during a special press conference from Warsaw, where he is attending a NATO summit. Still, there’s one thing he’s sure of – Americans being armed is something he wants to do something about:
We also know that when people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately it makes attacks like these more deadly and more tragic. And in the days ahead, we’re going to have to consider those realities as well.
He’s made no secret of wanting to reinstate and expand the Clinton gun ban since before he first ran for president. In the days ahead, monopoly of violence enthusiasts in the citizen disarmament lobby, opportunistic politicians, apparatchik gun owner control professionals and media cheerleaders will be pulling out all the stops to continue spooking the herd to bleat for more “common sense.” And of course the blame for Dallas will be laid squarely at the feet of the NRA.
Don’t be surprised when the information becomes available to find the killers had been on law enforcement’s radar. Don’t be surprised if there are criminal records. And don’t be surprised to see some attempt to transfer their guilt to those who believe in the right to keep and bear arms.
[Note: A screenshot of a Dallas PD tweet misidentifying an armed citizen as one of the suspects has been deleted from this article.–DC]
Anything that impedes that right is, of course, the exact wrong “solution,” especially at a time of heightened danger for all of us. What happened in Dallas shows that a mere handful of determined dissidents can paralyze a city, tie up all law enforcement resources, and capture the focused attention of a horrified nation. For some, it will be an epiphany, as they realize the power to do the same and more exists in Everytown, and all supposedly omnipotent government can do is react.
Pray that doesn’t spread, although with the upcoming Republican and Democrat conventions, and with well-publicized statements of disruptive intent from all kinds of collectivist groups (and the even more dangerous unpublicized plans), we find ourselves in a most menacing time. Imagine Dallas events emulated in another city, and another. A martial law response, with (at least initial) widespread public demand, suddenly does not seem such an unimaginable possibility. And don’t think those directing such actions will be doing so with the goal of giving seized power back.
Now is hardly the time to give one inch, especially on guns. Now is not the time to lose heart, to falter or to blink. Now is the time to reflect that, if a handful of malcontents can cause this much disruption, is it any wonder the thought of millions of gun owners, in millions of locations throughout the Republic, scares the hell out of those who would control all?
Why do you think they really want to ban the firearms that would be most useful in times of civil upheaval and/or government overreach?
Now is the time for each of us who may be hesitant and unsure to find our courage and resolve.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.