By AWR Hawkins
Washington DC – -( During a February 2 2016 visit to the Islamic Society of Baltimore, President Obama excused the Muslim majority for the sins of a few, but he refuses to extend that same courtesy to law-abiding gun owners throughout our land.
Fox News tweeted a quote from Obama, as he looked at Muslims gathered in a mosque and said, “As Muslim Americans… your entire community so often is targeted or blamed for the violent acts of the very few.”
Obama: As Muslim Americans…your entire community so often is targeted or blamed for the violent acts of the very few
— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 3, 2016
Yet just two days after a lone gunman used his firearms to shoot and kill 9 innocents in a gun-free zone at Umpqua Community College, Obama called for more gun control for all gun owners.
He responded the same way after the Aurora movie theater attack (July 20, 2012), Sandy Hook Elementary attack (December 14, 2012), Santa Barbara attack (May 23, 2014), and the San Bernardino attack (December 2, 2015). In each of these cases, Obama’s response was to characterize gun owners in general in light of the twisted actions of “very few.”
On January 5 2016, he went even further by issuing executive orders to unilaterally expand gun controls, which heaps more regulations on federal gun dealers and law-abiding gun owners alike.
Think about it—the president who says, “the violent acts of the very few” Muslims should not be held against the majority of Muslims is subsequently seizing on “the violent acts” of a “very few” gun owners and holding those actions against the 130 to 140 million gun owners who never have—nor ever will—misuse a gun. Moreover, in addition to new gun laws, Obama has even hinted at confiscation for all gun owners, based on the actions of “very few.”
AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins.