Obama Administration Moves to Block the Sale of M1 Rifles to Law-abiding Americans

Obama Administration Moves to Block the Sale of M1 Rifles to Law-abiding Americans
State Department intimates that these historic relics may be melted down.

M-1 Garand Rifle
Obama Blocking Return Of Surplus M1 Garands Rifles From Korea
Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America

Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- Apparently, things are going so well in the Middle East that the State Department now feels it can turn its attention to banning the lawful possession of firearms by American citizens.

In a little-noticed decision in March, the Obama administration reversed an earlier decision and moved to block the importation of 857,470 lawful M1 semi-automatics which were being sold by South Korea in an effort to raise money for its military. According to Hillary Clinton’s State Department, this action was taken because the M1’s “could potentially be exploited… for illicit purposes.”

Even worse, a spokesman for the State Department left the impression that the valuable historic relics could even be melted down, as Clinton’s husband did during his administration. Suffice it to say that this is just another reiteration of the same anti-gun political theater. And the cheers coming from anti-gunners like Dennis Henigan of the Brady Campaign are ample proof of that.

Possession of these guns by Americans is lawful. They are antiques of historical interest, particularly for those who, unlike Clinton and her husband, served this country honorably in America’s foreign wars. And anyone wishing to acquire one would have to go through an Instant Background Check as they would for all other firearms purchases.

If any American, going into the November elections, had any doubt that Barack Obama and the Democratic Party leaders hate guns and have contempt for the Second Amendment, this is proof.

Reps. John Boozman and Paul Broun are submitting a letter to State Department Secretary Hillary Clinton — demanding that this unlawful decision be reversed.

And we are working with several legislators to offer an amendment on the next available legislative vehicle which would prohibit the administration from blocking the importation — or even the destruction — of these firearms. Please see the ACTION item and pre-written letter below.

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If you haven’t renewed your membership lately, then there’s a lot of information that you could be missing. In our newsletters, GOA takes on recent UN efforts to impose global gun control and has provided its members with postcards to inundate their Senators in opposition to any arms control treaties that would infringe upon our gun rights.

In fact, current members should be expecting another update on UN gun control efforts that will be arriving in their mailboxes soon. We can’t fight all our battles through email and that’s why we need you to be a member of Gun Owners of America.

You can go to https://gunowners.org/ordergoamem.htm and join Gun Owners of America for the cost of a box of ammunition. Get your friends and family to sign up as well. You’ll be glad you did!

ACTION: Write your Representative and urge him or her to cosign the Boozman/Broun letter which demands that the unlawful decision against the M1s be reversed. You can go to the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at https://gunowners.org/activism.htm to send your Representative the pre-written e-mail message below.

—– Pre-written letter —–

Dear Representative:

Please stand up for the Second Amendment in opposition to the Obama administration’s anti-gun efforts to block the importation of — or even destroy — over 850,000 legal, historic M1 semi-automatic firearms.

Reps. John Boozman and Paul Broun are submitting a letter to State Department Secretary Hillary Clinton protesting this unlawful action.

I urge you in the strongest terms to cosign that letter with them. You can contact either Boozman’s or Broun’s office to get a copy of the letter and to indicate your desire to add your name to this effort.

Thank you.


—– End Pre-written letter —–

Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585
FAX: 703-321-8408

Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul