Oath Keepers Step Up In Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Back Up Cops Against Cop Killers

by Stewart Rhodes

Baton Rouge Oath Keepers Leader Paul Richy Presents Pledge of Support to Major Anthony Ponton, Chief of Uniform Patrol for East Baton Rouge Sheriffs Office
Baton Rouge Oath Keepers Leader Paul Richy Presents Pledge of Support to Major Anthony Ponton, Chief of Uniform Patrol for East Baton Rouge Sheriffs Office
Oath Keepers
Oath Keepers

USA -(AmmoLand.com)- The Baton Rouge, Louisiana chapter has stepped up to lead the way in backing police up, against cop killing terrorists.

U.S. Army 1st Air Cav Div veteran, Paul Richy, leader of the Oath Keepers there in Baton Rouge, has reached out to the officers of the East Baton Rouge Sheriffs Office, and the Baton Rouge Police Department, to personally deliver the following pledge of support:

Sheriff Gautreaux,
We grieve along with you and the rest of the citizens of Baton Rouge, during this violence that is being directed at our men and women in uniform. Please accept our deepest sympathy as you go about the painful business of burying the dead, caring for the wounded, and attempting to heal your community and keep it safe.

As a group of current and formerly serving military and police officers, as well as fire-fighters, EMTs, and other first-responders; we at Oath Keepers wish to extend our hand to help in any way we can. One of our programs, “Family Safe,” is designed specifically to free up officers that would otherwise need to be assigned for over- watch duties to protect military and law enforcement families that have come under threat. Our trained professionals have volunteered their services around the country for several years now and have protected police and military families in several states.

Those same police and military veterans can also serve as over- watch and extra eyes and ears in public places in your community to further free up officers so they can concentrate on “front line” duties. Finally, under our “Operation Backstop” (started first by our South Carolina Chapter and successfully conducted there and in WV for the past year) Oath Keepers members are now available to directly over-watch and back up police officers whenever they are vulnerable and wherever needed (with proper coordination with police leadership).

We stand ready and willing to assist you in this dreadful hour. Many of our members are recent military combat veterans and police veterans who will stand with you shoulder-to-shoulder against any enemy of our Constitution.

Please, feel free to call us at 1-318-914-2224 or correspond by email with us at la@oathkeepers.org, if we can in any way assist you and your community.

United we stand; divided we fall.

Paul Richey, U.S. Army Vet, Baton Rouge Oath Keepers POC. paulrichey54@yahoo.com
Duncan Simmons, (Police veteran, USMC vet), Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator. la@oathkeepers.org
Stewart Rhodes (U.S. Army Airborne veteran), National Founder and President of Oath Keepers. stewart.rhodes@oathkeepers.org
John Shirley (Houston PD, Retired) Lead National Oath Keepers Peace Officer Liaison, National BOD Member
Greg McWhirter, (Indiana police veteran, current Montana Corrections), National Peace Officer Liaison, Montana Liaison
John Karriman (Missouri Police Academy Defensive Tactics Instructor), National Peace Officer Liaison, MO State Coordinator

Letter presented to Lt. Watkins and CPL Gunter, Baton Rouge Police Department
Letter presented to Lt. Watkins and CPL Gunter, Baton Rouge Police Department

Our national leadership and the Louisiana leadership co-authored that letter, to be sure the peace officers in the Baton Rouge community know that we are willing to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, with deeds, not just words, and defend our community against a common terrorist enemy.

We will be sending a similar letter pledging support to departments all over Louisiana and then all over the nation as part of our Operation Backstop and Operation Family Safe initiatives. It is imperative that we reach out, right now, to step up and work with our local police, across the country, to stand against terrorists and racist/Marxist extremists. Those of us who are trained and experienced military veterans, retired police, and trained EMTs, Fire-fighters and other first responders, must step up and lead the way in uniting our local communities, and helping them organize to defend against the wave of terrorism we now see hitting our nation, whether it is by racist Marxist cop killers, or Jihadists. Let’s work together with the good cops in our local departments.

For the Republic,
Stewart Rhodes

PS- it is also imperative that we make it clear that police in this nation must side with the Constitution, as we all swore the same oath to defend it. So long as they do so, we will stand with them, but we cannot, and will not, support any violations of the Constitution. We cannot, as oath sworn veterans. We all know that it is part of the agenda of the radical left and the elites to divide and conquer the American people along racial lines and also to pit the police against the people, and especially to pit the police against veterans, and to nationalize the police. That is what far left groups such as Southern Poverty Law Center are doing – trying to convince the police that all veterans are a threat to them, and thus turn the police into a tool of oppression against patriotic veterans, which causes the veterans to see the police as the enemy as well. The domestic enemies of the Constitution would love to see the warrior class of this nation turn on itself, so that police (many of whom are veterans) and the military veterans kill each other. We must present a better way, which is local veterans and the police working together to secure their communities, standing together against terrorists, while also pushing local police to respect the Constitution and refuse unlawful orders.

About Oath Keepers:

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution.

For more information, visit: www.oathkeepers.org.