Oath Keepers Renewal Ceremony, Bundy Ranch, NV, Saturday, April 19 2014

Bundy Ranch Stand Off Coverage
Bundy Ranch Stand Off Coverage
Oath Keepers
Oath Keepers

Las Vegas, NV – -(Ammoland.com)- On Saturday, April 19th 2014, we w ill have speakers (such as Mike Vanderboegh of the Three Percenters) and then we will follow in the foosteps of the Founding generation by renewing our oaths at approximately 6pm.

What better place to do that than where brave Americans just kept their oaths and continue to keep their oaths in such a profound and moving way.

I invite you to join us there, both to do your duty, and to honor our forefathers and every American who has fought for this nation, from Lexington Green to today, as we celebrate our liberty that has been won for us and preserved for us, at such great cost.

NOTE: There is also a cowboy barbeque being thrown Friday night, April 18 2014, by the Bundy family down by the river near their ranch. The Bundy’s will provide the food and live music, with the first band going on at 6pm. All you need to do is show up. Ammon Bundy told me that you are welcome to bring your families, and are welcome to camp there. So, this is not just about standing watch. This is also about fellowship, family, and enjoying the land the Bundy family has been caring for for generations.

All of us who are here consider it a great honor to stand with this patriot family, and I can tell you that we Oath Keepers also consider it a great honor to be in the company of this fine bunch of Americans who have traveled from all over our country to support and stand with the Bundy family.

The Bundys are open and very grateful for people coming to be there for them, and thus far the caliber and quality of the people who’ve been here has been outstanding. From all over America people of good character and brave spirit have come to help and have done honor to our American traditions. We want those types of people. We do not want hot-heads who are looking for a fight. We want “cool, calm, and collected” – the “quiet professional.” Thank you for understanding. Yes, by all means, bring your rifles, handguns, and whatever other gear you think you will need to stand watch, and yes, that includes any cammo you think will work best.

2: A rotating vigil of state legislators and current serving sheriffs at the ranch. This second part of our plan is a continuation of what we’ve already been doing. Oath Keepers helped facilitate a number of legislators from several Western States traveling to the Bundy Ranch this past week. Sheriff Mack’s Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA.org) helped ensure that some real-deal constitutional Sheriffs were also present on the side of the Bundy family.

We will be continuing this effort and we need proactive Oath Keepers to help arrange a steady stream of State and County officials to rotate presence there so that the idiot government will have to admit it’s ready to kill sitting elected public servants to assert its authority, or leave the Bundy family – and their cows – alone. Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, on Monday night, served the first vigil in the Bundy Ranch House (if only the Nevada Governor, Brian Sandoval, had a fraction of her integrity and courage. We wouldn’t need to be here).

And to support that “official” stream of State and County officials, as well as others with names of gravity, Oath Keepers’ general membership will also rotate into service there.

There is also some serious perimeter security and Oath Keepers CPTers who volunteer to help with the out-lying security in the desert will find this to be a great training exercise. Bring your gear. Consider this your Minute Man FTX. But however you come, do come. Oath Keepers will not be alone in this. Many other Americans are mobilizing now, millions of Americans are learning about it and are wanting to be helpful. Be part of it.

For the Republic!
Stewart Rhodes
Founder and President of Oath Keepers

PS – I want to personally thank Nebraska Oath Keepers President and member of our national BOD, Steve Homan, a Marine’s Marine, who fought in Vietnam, who is here with me. Though Steve has five stints in his heart, and still carries around a bullet in his stomach courtesy of the NVA, he is here, and he will be standing watch with me till Saturday evening. I also want to thank four fine patriots and Oath Keepers – Rick, Ben, George, and John – who also attend Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s Liberty Fellowship church in Montana. They drove down here together last week and though George had to fly home, Rick, Ben, and John have agreed to stay here with me until Saturday night, and then drive all night to get us home for Easter Service at Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell (I promised my wife and kids I would be home for Easter and that is a promise I need to keep if at all possible).

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution. Visit: www.oathkeepers.org